
Chinese cover letter writing sample

01月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Business Letter Writing Tips]Business Letter Writing Tips Limit Them To One Page. By definition, business letters should be short and to the point, preferably one page in length. Studies he...+阅读

A good cover letter is simply to perform the following two functions:(1) to promote their own advantage of the post applied for. If you look seems to be inadequate and must be pensated for in the cover letter;(2) to demonstrate their understanding of the position. Express their understanding of the job far better than express their interest in the position, as everyone interested can he (at least pretend to he), but understanding is a matter of opinion, strengths and weaknesses of.Below, please enjoy to this very successful cover letter:Hello! I am a graduate of Zhongshan University undergraduates, graduates are very pleased to job site, Guangdong graduating students and our campus work Web site to see the recruitment of China Mobile Guangdong Branch information, especially to see sub-Guangzhou and Zhongshan, panies in which, if added in their mobile home, on my forite people who move like Guangzhou, is fantastic. (ment: first, how they both tell each other that jobs at the same time to express his enthusiasm.)But you must he doubts, because of this study Tourism and Hotel Management of people who did want to apply for marketing! On this issue, I would like to be described as follows:(1) I am not inferior to academic knowledge on marketing professional. In addition to our professional series of courses to learn marketing, but also focus on research on the psychology of consumers, as the move said munication from the heart, grasp of consumer psychology is more important for marketing planning. In addition, I also read extensively from the positioning to the value of loyalty, and many of the marketing.(2) marketing, many with artistic skill and the local conditions of things, is not learned from the book, and Did. Ogilvy Advertising godfather before being a cook was depressed Oxford drop-out, planning is also mad Shi Yuzhu However, a mathematical formula to calculate the day four students. At this point, I he proved my talent, my marketing case study course is the highest score 95 points the hospital, and you can see from the resume, I he been successfully involved in business planning activities.(ment: the second paragraph, to show them their biggest advantage, since it is on campus recruitment, the most forable evidence is their own credits, but students are higher than other credits. In fact, the post itself, not professional restrictions, but Cheng Ming Ming, the initiative to expose their short, stating that she is not a marketing professional, in fact, the way would like to Xianyihouyang play catch up effect, meaning that, you see, I do not professional counterparts, but my professional counterparts in the knowledge structure and that no less than students did, which is disguised illustrates her ability to learn more.)Among the Guangxi Mobiles business, I am Italian 12580 mobile secretarial services, I think this is a value-added services designed to be very good, working people and the way we are college students looking for a job very need this service. The key question is how to promote to the customer! If I had the honor to join the movement, I will take the following approach to promotion:(1) desk set up on campus to promote. We can contact the schools employment center, emphasizing the service can help our students to miss any business of the interview notice, it is likely the school will provide a venue for us to do for free publicity.(2) free-free operation to provide customers with half of the 12580 mobile secretarial services, the so-called free operation, is not to the operating room for the customer, do not open their 1860 hit, nor the need for a password, everything, and short message , is self-opened! Customer service for any trouble are very, very, so we need to do service 0 trouble! When the customer has used this service, we can ask the customer to call the opening of this business!(ment: The third paragraph, to simulate the working ways to show their understanding of this position, although the program may not be true, but fully demonstrated his concern and passion for mobile.)Of course, I am pletely mobile business was a stranger, you may be laughing my naive, but I just want you to know my passion and love munication business! And I believe they can contribute to the growth of Guangxi Mobile, and GSM as the new ad, I can!Thanks for reading, faithful look forward to your reply. At the same time I wish you good health, and all along Italy!(ment: the fourth paragraph, once again expressed mitment to bless each other in the form of ending, very good!)Cheng Ming Ming Sun Yat-senSeptember 1, 2007Attachment: ResumeThe implementation of a strong cover letter his mission:


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