

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[麦肯锡Pretalk笔试加一面O]发信人: ivyer(笑起来很像个坏蛋--其实不是), 信区: job 标 题: 麦肯锡 Pretalk 笔试 加 一面 Over 发信站: 饮水思源 (2005年11月14日18:01:42 星期一) 和麦肯锡的缘分终于...+阅读

What we look for in a resume/CV

Our resume/CV reviewers look for evidence of achievement in the four key skill areas outlined in what we look for. We find the following resume/CV information and structure most helpful in giving you a fair review:


We prefer to see details of graduate work and college/tertiary education first. Include your degree subject, university, degree grades, or GPA at each major milestone of your course (for example, magna cum laude overall, summa cum laude in first year) and any major prizes or awards, specifying key dates. You should also include any significant academic projects (e.g., senior thesis, major research work, etc.) that you feel help illustrate your academic ability.

Depending on your national background, it may be important that you provide details of your results in all subjects in key examinations (e.g., high school diploma, A' levels, baccalaureate grades).

Applicants who he taken standardized tests such as the GMAT, LSAT, SAT, etc. should also include their scores. Providing as much detail as possible here is key. If you he academic trans showing detailed grades, send us a copy. If you studied in an academic system unfamiliar to most, try where possible to translate your result to help the reviewer understand (e.g., top two percent of students nationally).

Work experience

If you he work experience, emphasize what you he achieved in each major role beyond your key day-to-day responsibilities. We are most interested in the impact you he had in your career (e.g., the key things that changed because of your direct involvement). You may also describe unique skills and experiences that will help us understand the strengths you bring to the table.

Other skills and achievements

We are interested in any volunteer or charity work, or positions of responsibility in professional bodies particularly where they demonstrate leadership, initiative-taking, or extraordinary mitment.

Similarly, you should include leadership positions, significant involvement in extracurricular activities, and significant participation in sports, games, societies, or hobbies. For example, a high level of achievement in a sport tells us something about your mitment and drive to achieve. Don't just tell us about your hobbies; tell us what you he achieved in pursuing them.

Generally you shoul

d only include items that you feel will help us understand your strengths better (rather than including something just for the sake of hing it).


Include any foreign languages for which you he business conversational ability or better. For languages, a good idea is to rate yourself as either basic, petent, or fluent.

Writing and layout

Tips for resume writing and layout

We advise you to tailor your resume/CV to the employer you are sending it to, but here are some broad tips on the overall layout of a good resume/CV:

Your resume/CV should be neatly typed and clearly laid out.

Use a reasonably sized font (e.g., size 10 or larger) and allow some margin around the text for reviewers notes.

Do not be overly creative with the formattingit will only distract from the real focus of the document, which is you.

Write clearly and dont fet to check your grammar and spelling.

Include your name and contact details at the top, with daytime and evening phone numbers and an e-mail address.

Lay out your prior jobs (if any) in reverse chronological order, with your most recent role at the top.

It is best to list dates on the left hand side. You should be able to explain any gaps in your career or educational history.

The length of your resume/CV will depend on you and your achievementsbut dont pad it out! The trick is to be concise, but not inplete.

Remember, the person reading your resume/CV may not be familiar with your specific credentials. Avoid using any jargon. Ask friends from different backgrounds to read it for you. If they're impressed without being confused, you're looking good.

The first part of the candidate screening process at McKinsey is a resume review. We use a resume to help us determine whom to invite to our interviewing process. Therefore, it is important for your resume to be the best possible reflection of you and of your achievements to date.

Your resume should not only accurately reflect your achievements to date, but also provide some sense of the scale of those achievements. A successful resume will also give the reader a sense for who you are as a person, as reflected in the activities and achievements you view as important in your life.

To help illustrate some of the points above, take a look at an example of a poorly written resume/CV.

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