

08月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com



The most important rule, however, immediately right now: Never quit and lee on bad terms! You owe it your employer, your colleagues, business partners, and most importantly yourself by being and ing across as a professional and mature person.


Evaluate Your Situation - Firstly, verify that resigning is the right decision. Dont quit just to make a point. Understand what the pros and cons of your decision would be. Are there things you can do to improve aspects of the job that bug you? Could you get another job in the pany? He you ever talked with your boss and does she know that you consider resigning (at least, if you feel there are meaningful reasons for you to stay)? Has she had a chance to address your needs and wants?


Check The Legal Aspects - Carefully study any legal documents you signed when joining or working at your current job. Are there any non-pete agreements, does your contract require a certain period of employment from you, which is the lee notice your pany requires, etc.? By the way, you should also be clear about the financial consequences a resignation might he on your life; especially when not hing found another job yet.


Choose The Right Timing - In a perfect world try to lee when youre on a high note and not when you are burnt out. In a non-perfect world, which is the case most of the times, dont wait with your resignation too long. After you conducted a thorough situation analysis and came to the conclusion its best for you to lee, then just do it. You he only one life to live!


Do It Personally - Dont chicken out. Request a meeting with your boss. Dont send a resignation email or letter. You need to say it face-to-face. Very important: Tell your manager before anyone else. She deserves it.


Hand In A Resignation Letter - Written in a professional, i.e. non-emotional manner. It should be a short and polite letter stating your intention to lee and by when. Submit your resignation with sufficient lead time before your planned resignation date. Submit it to your direct supervisor (e.g. whilst you personally inform him about your resignation) and with a copy to your HR department.


Be Prepared To Answer About Your Reasons - Be as honest as you can be. Again in a tactful and respectful manner. Its a good opportunity giving your boss (and others) constructive feedback. Be fair and mention all factors and try to weight them. Whatever reasons you provide, keep your story consistent. Be prepared and open to receive feedback from colleagues, peers, etc. If your pany offers formal exit interviews trying to understand the real reasons why youre leing take part at it. Again, be conscious not to burn any bridges by saying anything negative or insular.


Anticipate The Reaction Of Your Boss - If you he a good and professional boss, she will tell you how sorry she is to lose you. In case you he already a new job, she should congratulate you. Most importantly, she should respect your decision. If she reacts poorly, then it reflects badly on her, and not on you. Stay professional, explain your reasons and stress that you will support her and the team to make a smooth transition. Dont allow neither your boss nor your team putting any guilt on you.


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