

08月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中西医考试A型题]A型题:又称最佳选择题或单项选择题。每道试题由一个题干(即问题)与A、B、C、D、E 5个备选答案(即选项)组成,题干在前,5个备选答案在后。5个备选答案中只有一项是最佳选择(即正确答案...+阅读



A: Good morning,Peter!

(早上好! 彼得先生!)

B: Good morning,Did!

(早上好! 大为先生!)

A: Nice to meetyou!


B: Nice to meetyou, too!


A: Its a nice daytoday.


B: Yeah, but itwas not good yesterday.


A: Bye, he anice weekend!


B: The same toyou, bye!



甲: 喂,老李,怎么这么巧?

乙: 咦,这不是小王吗? 去哪儿啊?

甲: 去公司加班。

乙: 周六还加班?老婆没意见?

甲: 没办法,她带孩子出去了。

乙: 孩子多大啦?你现在住哪里?房子买了吗?

甲: 买了2年了。

乙: (开始查户口)按揭的?首付多少?

甲: 要还30年,首付20%,所以要加班啊,你买好久了? 你现在那家单位工资待遇怎样?

乙: 一般,我赶时间,下次再聊,再见!





Colleague: Hey, I heard. I cant believe this.

Nick: Mynext headache.

Colleague: Dont worry. Well get through it.

Nick: Yeah.

Boss:Everyone, everyone, meet Darcy McGuire.

Nick: Oh,jeez!

Darcy: Mygoodness. Everybody showed up.

Colleague: Darcy, how are you?

Darcy: Niceto see you.

Colleague: Pleasant surprise.

Darcy: Hi!God, what a small world!

Colleague: Wele aboard.

Darcy: Im soglad to meet you. Hello! Im Darcy.

Nick: Hi!Im Nick Marshall.

Darcy: Oh,Ive heard a lot about you, Nick.

Nick: Iveheard a lot about you too, Darcy.

Darcy: Dontworry, cant all be true.

Nick: Letshope not. Hey.

Boss: Hey, standing room only. Its afirst. Im very, very excited for you all to meet Darcy McGuire. I know Darcysextraordinary reputation... as a leader in the field precedes her. AtB.B.D.O., Darcy led a creative team... that snagged $500 million in newbusiness wins. And that was just last year alone. At Sloane-Curtis, weveprided ourselves on our strategic thinking. Now its time for us to step up andonce again prove ourselves creatively... in the marketplace. And Im thrilledthat Darcy has consented to move across town, join our team and lead us intothe 21st century.

Darcy: Wow! Thank you. Thank you, Dan. Andthank you all for that warm wele. Let me start off by saying the feeling ismutual. Im absolutely thrilled to be here. When I first started in thisbusiness, it was my dream... to work at Sloane-Curtis. In fact, I even believeI even applied for a job here twice.



中西医实践技能考试题辨证论治 【01号题】: ①患者男性,78岁,20年前开始常于寒冷天气咳嗽咯痰,10年前开始逐渐加重,并伴喘促,2天前因天气变化上述症状再加重,现症:喘息气粗,咳嗽,咯黄痰,身热,小便黄,大便秘结...

中西医真题1.下列各项中,不属于佐药功用范畴的是 A.配合君、臣药加强治疗作用 B.消除或减弱君、臣药的毒性 C.针对某些次要症状发挥治疗作用htt D.制约君、臣药的峻烈之性 E.针对主病起...

