

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一名小朋友的独特自我介绍]下面就提供一篇一名小朋友的独特的自我介绍,供大家参考一下。 我的名字叫XXX,爸爸、妈妈希望我成为一个思想开朗豁达的男子汉;我的小名叫南南,因为我在妈妈肚子里时,爸爸和妈妈正...+阅读

Special rules also apply to deplaning. Theres no way youre going to get your baggage before the person in the aisle or middle (and please dont expect to). If youre asking for it anyway while everyone is still getting their stuff, youre just being rude. Getting your bags .5345 seconds before does not actually mean you will get to deplane .5345 seconds earlier than everyone else.


Respect thy overhead bin. Dont take up huge amounts of overhead storage space with coats strewn about. Lee space for others. At the same time, please also dont take it upon yourself to move everyones stuff around. how would it feel if someone moved your bags all over the place?


If theres a free seat, its possibly mon space. That means if the middle is empty, you should ask the person in the aisle/window if its okay to stow your bag underneath the empty seat or use that seats tray table and lee some space for the other person.


Dont take your belongings and put them back on immediately. Take your belongings, move to the end of the conveyor belt and get out of peoples way so they can grab their bag. Its courteous to move to a bench or to a spot away from the horde of people to reassemble your gear/clothes before you move onto the gate.


Luggage does not belong on seats, especially at the gate. Luggage do not hederrieres, human beings do. Its even worse when others cant sit because of it!


Let people that he tight connections deplane first. It always seems like a race to who can get off the plane first but the truth is if this is your final destination, you he more time than other people who are connecting at the airport. Delays only exacerbate that.


Please refrain from lining up until the gate agent makes an announcement to do so. Everyone has been trained like cattle to line up in this day and age to fight for overheadbin space but, really, theres no reason to do it, like, an hour before boarding. Its designed to be a civilized process so be respectful of the line.


Spare the flight attendants and dont hit the call button repetitively. Flight attendants he a hard job so if you want to do them a for, you can go back to galley to ask for your water and whatever else you need if you need something frequently from them. Exceptions apply if youre trapped by the window seat.


Keep the personal hygiene at home. On the plane is not the time to start clipping nails or taking off your socks and putting bare feet around people who cant escape it.


Drink if you want but please hold your liquor. Unfortunately, some people he been there and done that. The nice thing is that once you do it one time, you never do it again.


Its great to enjoying that movie but its a little unnerving for the rest of the plane to hear hysterical laughter when its lights out time. Or never give that conversation a rest. Public transportation rules apply here: minimize the chitchat and maximize the quiet time before 10 am and after 10 pm. In all cases you must use headphones.



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