1. Youre always late.
1. 你总是迟到。
Maybe you just happen to move slowly in the morning, the line at your forite lunch place adds 10 minutes to your break, or important calls seem to always e up before meetings. Whatever the case, rationalizing it wont help your reputation. Habitually poor time management will make your boss see you as selfish, disrespectful, unreliable, anddisanized.
2. You make a lot of excuses.
2. 你找很多借口。
People take notice when your excuses for why you cant do something outnumber the times you successfully do your work. And if problems you cant solve do arise during the day, municate them to your boss and colleagues immediately and honestly.
3. You plain about unexpected assignments.
3. 你抱怨额外的工作量。
Nobody likes the surprise of extra work, but if you regularly municate your dissatisfaction with grumbling or even an explicit denial of the assignment, you will be labeled as someone with a poor work ethic.
4. You love to gossip.
4. 你喜欢嚼舌根。
Getting the inside scoop on your colleagues can be hard to resist, and sharing all your problems with coworkers can be cathartic. But after time, rumors and plaints will be associated with you, and you will lose the respect of your peers.
5. Youre convinced youre the smartest person in the office.
5. 你坚信自己是办公室最聪明的人。
Lets just assume that you are as brilliant as you think you are; youre still part of a team. And arrogant employees who dont respect the corporate hierarchy arent going to last very long.
6. You dont believe in your panys mission or values.
6. 你不相信公司的目标和价值观。
If youre regularly making snarky remarks about what your employer stands for, your colleagues will likely he a hard time trusting your judgment on decisions. If you separate yourself from your pany, then your employer is going to catch on and could separate from you.
7. Youre noticeably less productive than your colleagues.
7. 你的效率明显比同事低。
If your boss seems to be spending more time with you than your coworkers, and these colleagues are constantly hing to assist you, your employer may eventually determine that trying to improve your performance is a waste of time and money.
8. You cant take no for an answer.
8. 你不接受别人的否定。
If you find yourself defending your idea even after everyone has expressed he or she disagrees with it, youll start to be seen as a troublemaker. Sometimes you just need to let things go for the sake of the team.
9. You find yourself regularly apologizing to clients or hing your boss do it for you.
9. 你发现自己经常跟客户道歉,或老板经常替你道歉。
Everyone makes mistakes, but if it seems like your customers are regularly dissatisfied with your work, your employer is going to start seeing you as a danger to the pany.
10. Your colleagues clearly dont enjoy working with you.
10. 你的同事明显不喜欢跟你一起工作。
If it seems like coworkers arent making eye contact with you or are unfortable when working with you on a project, it may actually be because they are afraid of you, or at least categorize you as a bad team-player. If youre too aggressive or pushy, youll e to be seen as a lone wolf that no one wants to deal with.
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