
Cover Letters Templates

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Letters写信动机]CONTRACT OF employment School of Foreign Languages,Yunnan Normal University Business School (the engaging party) has engaged Ja Clerk (the engaged party) as a f...+阅读

Your Name

Your/Contact Address,

City, State, ZIP Code

Email- id

Telephone No./Mobile No.


Employer Name


Street Address

City, State, ZIP Code

RE: (reference position applied for, if one is ailable);

Dear Mr. Or Ms. ___________________;

First Section: The first section tells - why you are contacting the employer/person, mentions where you read or e to know about the job position. It gives quick introduction about you, your abilities and skills.

Second Section: Explain the experiences and skills you he and specify how you are IDEAL candidate for this position. Also explain why you are interested in working for this firm/employer. Please don't repeat your resume information here. T

his is a place where you can highlight your acplishments.

Third Section (If required): Write something most important or unique quality about yourself that will make the employer more interested in your resume. If you he done some research about this firm/pany then you should demonstrate it because it shows that you he taken some time to think this position/pany and makes a good impression on potential employer.

Final Section: Mention that you are interested in personal interview. Here, you can suggest different dates or tell about your ailability/flexibility to time and place. Finally, thank them for their attention ant time.


Your signature,

Your name (printed/typed)

Enclosure: resume


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