

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要一篇自我介绍的英文作文要加翻译]Teacher Hello, I am glad to introduce myself to do here. My name is XXX, you can call me the English name is XXX. I am XX years old, graduated from tertiary ins...+阅读

Mirrors - Justin Timberlake Aren't you somethin' to admire 你是令我倾慕的女神 Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror 你的光芒如同明镜闪耀 And I can't help but notice 我情不自禁的注意到 You reflect in this heart of mine 你我心有灵犀 If you ever feel alone and 假如你曾有一丝寂寞 The glare makes me hard to find 找不到光芒下的我 Just know that I'm always 你要知道 Parallel on the other side 你我的另一面是相同的 Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul 因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印 I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go 这世上便没有我们到不了的天涯海角 Just put your hand on the past 你陷在过去无法自拔 I'm here tryin' to pull you through 我会帮你度过难关 You strongjust gotta be 你要坚强 Cause I don't wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I'm lookin' right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There's a space but now you're home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I'll tell you baby it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin' back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It's like you're my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn't get any bigger 我不可能更幸福 With anyone else beside me 除了和你在一起 And now it's clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we're making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it's like you're my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 Aren't you somethin' an original 你真的不同寻常 一个特别的女人 Cause it doesn't seem really as simple 看起来没有那么简单 And I can't help but causestare,我忍不住会凝视 I see truth somewhere in your eyes 因为我在你的眼睛里看到了真理 I can't ever change without you 没有你我无法改变 You reflect me I love that about you 你映现着我 我爱你这一点 And if I could I 如果我可以 Would look at us all the time 我会一直看着我们 Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul 因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印 I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go 这世上便再也没有我们到不了的天涯海角 Just put your hand on the past 你陷在过去无法自拔 I'm here tryin' to pull you through 我会帮你度过难关 You just gotta be strong 你要坚强 Cause I don't wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I'm lookin' right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There's a space, but now you're home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin' back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It's like you're my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn't get any bigger 我不可能更幸福 With anyone else beside me 除了和你在一起 And now it's clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we're making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it's like you're my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 Yesterday is history 昨天已成为历史 Tomorrow's a mystery 明天神秘不可知 I can see you lookin' back at me 我可以看到你回头看我 Keep your eyes on me 双眼凝视着我 Baby, keep your eyes on me 宝贝 双眼凝视着我 Cause I don't wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I'm lookin' right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There's a space, but now you're home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin' back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It's like you're my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn't get any bigger 我找不到任何大的 With anyone else beside me 我不可能更幸福 除了和你在一起 And now it's clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we're making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it's like you're my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on 我想看到你找回我后幸福的表情 ...


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