

02月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语老师要自我介绍各位大侠小弟跪求一篇短的自我介绍我叫]hello, everyone here. hi. i'm Jack. of course, you know i'm a boy. haha. i'm 13 years old and i know we are more or less, hehe. i have a few hobbies, such as si...+阅读

1. 自我介绍(self-introduce)

Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce

myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .

I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country's team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.



自我介绍怎么写啊1、 自我介绍的意义: (1) 自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。 (2) 自我介绍不仅仅是展示自...


一篇好的自我介绍要怎样写面试自我介绍技巧:想清楚三个问题 一两分钟的自我介绍,犹如商品广告,在有限的时间内,针对客户的需要,将自己最美好的一面,毫无保留地表现出来,不但要令对方留下深刻的印像,还要即时...

酒店面试英语酒店面试常见问题酒店面试技巧及注意事项酒店建议你总结一下面试不上的原因。 1. 形象。外形方面可以靠化妆跟衣着,四个字,大方得体(而且是从头到脚)。酒店同时很看重你个人的谈吐及表现出来的气质,这个也可以训练。 2. 经验...

公务员面试自我介绍总:侧重于姓名(有时要求不能涉及姓名,用考号代替)、年龄、学历、专业、政治面貌、成绩、社会职务,可突出勤工俭学、志愿服务经历 分: 1、乐观,心态好,做人低调,学习和工作积极进取,在...

关于公务员面试自我介绍的有知道的请进您好,中公教育为您服务。 做好公务员面试自我介绍,应该注意以下几点: 第一,务必在做自我介绍时,明确自我介绍的所有内容都要围绕着报考的岗位展开,也就是岗位所需要的一切德行、知...

求程序员自我介绍模板求职意向: 。net程序员 姓 名: *** 性 别: * 出生年月: 1980年 1月 健康状况: 良好 毕业院校: **软件学院 专 业: 软件工程 电子邮件: 123163.com 手 机: ******* 联系电话: ***** 通...

