

04月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试开场白]面试开场白 今天我们来讲第一讲 面试开场白。面试时总要说上那么几句,一般去了面试的公司以后,里面的接待人员都会主动问一些问题,先来看看下面这个对话吧: A: Can I help you?...+阅读




1:找共同点。就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的-你知道他们与你共处一室。“So what brings you here?” 你就可以这么问。或是,如果你在你朋友Bob的派对,你就可以问“How do you know Bob?”

2:赞美他们。大家都喜欢听关于自己的甜言蜜语。“What a wonderful dress you're wearing!”告诉他们你有多喜欢这个人的鞋子或是眼镜。在那之后,如果他们只回答说“thank you”,你就可以接着问,类似“Where did you get it?” 或是“What's it made out of?” 甚至是“Was it expensive?”这些问题非常有用因为这可以让对方多告诉你一些关于他们的事。

3:问关于他们的问题。几乎所有的人多有工作,那么为什么不问这个人,“So what do you do for a living?” 或是“Where are you from originally?”意思是你想了解他们是在哪里出生的。并且,问句能让第一次的对话更简单一些。如果这个礼貌的话,他们也会反问你同样的问题,这样一来你就有谈论自己的机会了。

4:说明你自己。不要仅仅说,“Hi, my name is John.” 告诉别人更多关于你自己的信息。“Hi, my name is John. I'm a friend of Bob's from high school. We use to have the same math class together.” 这样可能捕捉到对方的兴趣,鼓励他们问你问题或告诉你更多关于他们的信息。

5:对某事物作评论。不要直接问任何关于对方的问题,你可以说类似“This is a great party” 或“What a lovely house this is.” 来诱导他们说出他们的看法。就算这个房子或是派对不是他们的,这样的评论听起来也非常的舒服容易让人谈论起来。就象是第一个建议,这些开场白能起很好的作用因为你和对方有共同之处:你们在互相交谈。



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to attend ...... Please help yourself hve a seat. Tonight we will get together here to do .....(简单说明活动的内容和主题); very appreciated that we invited somebody (参与活动的重要人物);Please let me introduce them one by one, ...... (职务与参与活动的内容)




1. prologue

2. prolusion



1. 他以“晚上好”开始了他的开场白。

He began his prologue by saying "good night".

2. 说几句开场白会很合适的。

A few words of introduction may not come amiss.

3. 由于紧张,他的开场白说得结结巴巴。

Because of his nervousness, the introduction was stumbled over.

4. 开场白以后我们马上讨论实质问题,一个小时内便达成了协议。

After the introductions we immediately got down to business and reached an agreement within an hour.

5. 她先讲了几句对客人表示欢迎的话作为开场白。

She prefaced her remarks with a few words of welcome to the guest.


给你一篇参考吧 Dear Sir or Madam: It's greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. My name is Mao Donglian. Majoring in English, I from hubei college in June 2008. Two—years' hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics…. Moreover, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries' culture and custom. With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have dong lots of jobs in my college life, such as working as a 学生会干部工作, a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences. Additionally, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm pave the way for conquer the difficulties witch would occur in future work. My attribute has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. Your trust and my ability will make us to create a new marvel together. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualification and your need. Thanks for your time and consideration. Your sincerely, Mao Donglian



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