
negotiation skill 常见词汇

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样背诵词汇]怎样背诵词汇 1、认真听课,边听边记,重复记忆 知道自己基础不好,所以在报名之后,就报了一个职称英语的辅导班。考虑到方便、经济实惠的因素,在考过职称英语同事的推荐下报了学易...+阅读

1) negotiation skill

谈判技巧2) Negotiation


1.In this paper,we summarize the main decisions related to adaptation to climate change in the negotiation of UNFCCC,analyze the reasons that the negotiation of impact of and adaptation to climate change made slow progress,as well as put forward some suggestions on negotiati.


2.This dissertation, based on the newly declassified Nixon presidential documents, offers an in-depth case study of 1969-1972 Sino-US summit meetings, whereby to interpret the functions of discourse in shaping the negotiation of two ever antagonizing states toward rapprochement.


3.munication and negotiation he played an extremely important role in every business field.

近年来,全球化已经成功地把世界上各个不同的地区紧密连接成为一个动态的整体,沟通和谈判在各个商务领域里发挥着至关重要的作用。3) negotiation for climate

气候谈判4) Negotiation with foreigners

对外谈判5) Export negotiation



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