

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com


In the best of times responding to a job listing can feel like sending your resume out to sea in a bottle. But at least you received a call or an email acknowledgement. Now, with the volume of applicants higher than ever, you're more likely to hear nothing.在求职最好的日子里,对招聘广告做出回应就好像是把你的简历做成瓶中信扔进大海里,但最后你也会收到一封感谢的邮件或接到一通感谢的电话。如今,因为应聘者比以前要多出很多,所以很有可能你得不到任何回音。

If there is a resounding silence from your queries, keep looking and working. But you can also do some sleuthing to give you a better chance of standing out next time. Recruiters and career experts agree that, if you didn't get an interview or phone call -- or even a thank-you email -- it may be due to at least one of six reasons.如果你应聘的公司反应非常沉默,那就继续找其他工作吧。但是你也可以做一些侦查工作,以便下次能有更好的机会。人力资源经理和职业专家都认为,如果你没有接到复试通知或回电、感谢信等,可能是因为以下六种原因之一。

1. They're just not that into you.他们没有那么喜欢你You're good, but someone else more closely met the qualifications. In a tight job market employers can usually get exactly the type of candidate they want. A polite thanks, but no thanks letter or email would be nice. But don't expect it these days.你是优秀的,但是还有更多比你更能胜任这份工作的候选者存在。在如今供过于求的求职市场上,雇主总能找到自己想要的最合适的候选者。虽然说,一封礼貌的谢谢,但是不用了的信或邮件会让你好过一些。

但是如今这样的社会你就不要期待再收到这样的信了。2. They may be into you, as soon as they get to you.如果他们看到了你的简历的话,可能会看中你panies receive so many submissions these days that they don't even he time to send out letters or confirmation emails. I know a major software pany that's taking more than three weeks just to send out acknowledgement notes, and some panies are spending months sifting through resumes for just one opening, workplace etiquette expert Sue Fox tells Yahoo! Hot Jobs.如今,公司收到的简历都太多了,以致他们连回感谢信或确认信的时间都没有。

职场礼仪专家Sue Fox tells说:我认识的一家大型软件公司花了三个多星期的时间来发送确认信,而有些公司居然要因为一个招聘职位而花上月的时间来筛选简历。3. They would he been into you if you had followed directions.如果你遵照了面试上的指示他们也许会看上你Many job listings use the word 'must,' not 'it would be nice to,' according to De Opton, CEO and founder of Execu. If it says you must he experience in X, then tailor your resume to show that, Opton says.按Execu的建立者兼执行总裁De Opton的说法。

很多工作招聘中如果用到必须不行这些词会好一些。 他还说:如果其中说明你必须要有X年的工作经验,那就在你的简历中将这点显示出来。If you're answering a job listing, be sure you respond in exactly the way the pany wants. And be aware that if you're not applying for a specific job but rather sending out dozens or hundreds of form letters, your resume is likely to end up in panies' spam folders.如果你是应聘一个职位的话,要确保你是按照公司希望的方式应聘。

并且要注意,如果你投的简历不是专门针对该职位的,而是对上百份职位一起发送的,你的简历最后的结果就是被当成垃圾邮件来处理的。4. They might be into you if you apply for a more appropriate job.如果你应聘更适合自己的职位的话他们有可能会看中你Independent recruiter Cheryl Ferguson tells Yahoo! HotJobs that many job seekers are overqualified, under-qualified, or otherwise just wrong. If we need to fill a specific job, and you're not right for it, don't assume that we're going to find the right fit for you. A lot of times people send me resumes, and I want to ask, 'Did you even read the job deion?'独立招聘专家Cheryl Ferguson告诉我们很多的求职者资历过高或过低,有的甚至是完全不符合。

如果我们是要为一份特定的工作招聘一名员工,而你不合适的话,不要幻想我们会为你找到合适的职位。很多时候,我都想问问那些给我发简历的人,你是否读过我们的工作职位描述?5. Your presentation could use some work.陈述要用心A lot of mistakes I see are a lack of cover letter, and an objective statement on the resume that is all wrong for the job opening, says Lindsay Olson, partner and recruiter at Paradigm Staffing. Even worse are obviously mass emails where the candidates had no clue what they were applying for.Lindsay Olson 是Paradigm Staffing 公司的合伙人兼人力资源经理,他说:我看过犯得最多的错误就是缺少求职信,以及在简历中有明显的叙述证明该求职者不适合此职位。

更糟糕的是很多候选人根本不明白自己在应聘什么。6. There isn't any job.该公司没有任何职位空缺Sometimes, due to last minute budget cuts, a position is eliminated before it's even filled. Other times, according to Olson, panies reel in resumes even when they know there isn't any opening. Some panies want a big applicant pool because they think they may be hiring in the future, Olson said.有时候,因为最后关头的消减了预算,在一个职位找到合格人员之前会取消该招聘。

Olson 说:而另一些时候,有些公司即使没有需要招聘的空缺职位也会打出招聘广告,因为他们认为自己在将来招聘的时候可以用得上这些简历。


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