
see if someone gets a nibble 某人等着看是否有人上钩

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何用英语表达罩着某人]Larry在咖啡馆里碰见了李华。他们会用到两个常用语:take someone under your wing和take someone for a ride. Larry: Hey, there you are, Lihua. LH: (Sounding tired) Oh,...+阅读

wash my hands of something 撒手不管

就跟中文说「洗手不干」一样,wash my hands of something表示从此不再做某件讨厌的事情。这个句型也可以用在人身上,当你说wash my hands of someone,表示你已经「不再管某人的事」,那个人的行为已经跟你无关。

A: I wish I could wash my hands of this whole mess.


B: I know. Court cases are a pain.


see if someone gets a nibble 某人等着看是否有人上钩

as luck would he it...虽然是「走运的是」,但都用在反讽时。钓鱼时,若是拋饵之后半天都没有鱼来咬,那代表要不是选错饵,就是选错地方。引申到生活会话里,see if someone gets any nibble就表示一个人已经开放机会,想看看是否有人有兴趣来接触。

A: I put the advertisement up last night.


B: Well, we just wait and see if we get a nibble.



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