

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com



For simplicity\'s sake, let\'s say we\'ve conducted market research and found that there

are two types of people on each campus, A and B. Historically, our client has also used two

types of recruiting messages in its advertising. The first, called See the World, gets one

percent of type A students to apply, but three percent of type B students. The second,

called Pathway to Leadership, gets five percent of Type A students to apply, but only two

percent of type B students.

The chart below lists the breakdown of types A and B students at some of our major

campuses, and the message our client is using on campus.

School % of Type A Students % of Type B Students Recruiting Message Used on Campus

University 1 80% 20% Pathway to Leadership

University 2 48% 52% See the World

University 3 70% 30% Pathway to Leadership

University 4 60% 40% See the World

Q6: Assuming there\'s no difference between the costs of each message, what can you tell me

An even more insightful response would mention that the ultimate answer depends on the cost

of each message, whether the cost increases depending on the number of students at the campus,

and how interested we are in students of Type A vs. Type B (e.g., will one type be more likely

than the other to get an offer and to be successful on the job). One could imagine using both

messages on some campuses if the additional cost were justified by the resulting increase in



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