[难倒英语专业的42个句子翻译]1.Do you he a family? 正确译文:你有孩子吗? 2.Its a good father that knows his son。 就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解 自己的儿子。 3.I he no opinion of that sort of man。...+阅读
英译中 选得是美联储副主席耶伦的演讲稿的一段。
Vice Chair Ja L. Yellen
To sum up, growth inadvanced nations, including the United States, faces serious headwinds.Households are still deleveraging, corporations are reluctant to invest, andfiscal consolidation is needed over time to place public finances on asustainable course. Despite some pickup in growth in the United States duringthe second half of the year, the outlook is for unemployment to diminish onlyslowly, remaining painfully high for many years to e. These developmentshe also affected emerging market economies, where there are now clear signsof slowing growth. In addition, downside risks to global growth he increasedsignificantly because of rising financial market pressures, reflecting anintensification of stress in European banking and sovereign debt markets aswell as broader concerns about the outlook。
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