[甲骨文Sql笔试题目]甲骨文Sql笔试 甲骨文Sql笔试) 第一题:有两个表分别如下: 表A(varchar(32) NAME,int GRADE) 数据: LISI 60 WANGWU 84 表B(varchar(32) NAME,int AGE) 数据: ZHANGSHAN 26 LISI...+阅读
【1】 select * from employ 【2】 select department_name from departments d join employ e on d.department_id=e.department_id where e.employee_id=2 【3】 select pro_id from professions where pro_name='教授' 【4】 select employee_name,employee_address from employ where employee_id>18 【5】 select employee_name,employee_salary from employ where employee_age>18 and department_id=2 【6】 select employee_name,employee_salary,employee_address from employ where employee_age>18 or department_id=2 【7】 select employee_name,employee_age from employ order by employee_salary desc 【8】 select * from employ where employee_salary>1000 order by employee_salary desc 【9】 select employee_name,employee_salary from employ where employee_salary20 order by employee_age 【13】 delete from emp_pro 【14】 delete from emp_pro where emp_pro.employee_id in (select e.employee_id from employ e where e.employee_age>20) delete from employ where employee_age>20 【15】 delete from emp_pro where emp_pro.employee_id in (select e.employee_id from employ e where e.employee_salary
求数据库SQl笔试答案建立学生表Studentuse mastercreate table student (Sno int,Sname varchar(10),Ssex varchar(2)Sage int,Sdept varchar(10)) 为Student表建立索引create unique clustered...
某公司SQL笔试题寻找答案第一道题是查看学生的姓名,选修的课程和对应的学分吧 select '姓名'=(select name from students_t where id=student_course_t.student_id ), '选修课程'=(select name from cou...
sql server笔试题求答案急!!!这套笔试题你想拿上100分,也该悬赏上100分。 输上基本上都有答案,看看SQL2005的书 create database STU --创建数据库 use login1 go create table STUDENT --建表 ( SNO char...
面试题目sql我使用的是MySQL 如下语句: 建表语句: create table Lessoninfo( no int, week int, isonduty char); 插入数据:略 insert into Lessoninfo values(...............) SQL查询语...
SQL数据库题目解答 2.select sno,sname,major from student where major in(select cno from course where) 3.没有见到有选课表 4.select cname from course where cno not in(select distin...
SQL面试题求答案指定学科查询: select Name from Student where Curricula ='指定学科' and mark >60 不指定学科,按照学科排序 select Curricula,Name from Student where mark >60 order by...
关于sql题目11,select name ,sex from table where name like '张%' 12, select name from table where name like '' 13,select name ,sex from table where age>20 14,select name fr...
急求sql server试题答案简答题急急急(1)什么叫实体完整性? 实体完整性指表中行的完整性。要求表中的所有行都有唯一的标识符,称为主关键字。主关键字是否可以修改,或整个列是否可以被删除,取决于主关键字与其他表之...
一份SQL题急求答案!!1可以用筛选或者排名函数啊~ 参数 check_expression 将被检查是否为 NULL的表达式。check_expression 可以是任何类型的。 replacement_value 在 check_expression 为 NULL时...