

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com


A Test for The C Programming Language

I. History

1. C was originally designed for and implemented on the (what) operating system on the DEC PDP-11, by (who) .

2. The most recently approved ANSI/ISO C standard was issued in (when), and single line ments notation is or isnt a feature of C89.

II. Syntax and Semantics 1.In a runtime C program, auto variables are stored in , staticvariables are stored in , and function parameters are stored in .

a. stack b. heap c. neither stack nor heap

2. The statement extern int x; is a , and the keyword extern is used during .

a. variable declaration b. variable definition c. pilation time d. runtime

3. There is a plicated declaration: void ( * signal (int, void(*)(int)) ) (int);If a statement typedef void (*p) (int); is given,please rewrite this plicated declaration.

4. The following code is a segment of C program.


void func(int *p)






int num=0;






Here, the function argument num is passed .

a. by value b. by reference

III. Practice

Create a tree, which has h (h0) layers, and its each node has w(w0) sub-nodes.Please plete the following inplete solution.



struct tree{

char info;

p_sub; link to sub-nodes};

allocate memory and initiate

void dnode ( struct tree* tmp )


= malloc( sizeof (struct tree) );

= 0x41;



struct tree *dtree (struct tree* subtree, int height, int width)


int i;

if ( !subtree ) if necessary, allocte memory for subtree


if ( height == 1 )

return subtree;

else if ( height == 2 ) {

struct tree *leaf = NULL;

for ( i=0; i

denode ( );


leaf = NULL;}

return subtree;}

else {

for ( i=0; i


return subtree;






struct tree *root = NULL;


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