【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To investigate the treatment for irreducible atlantoaxial dislocation.Methods:Twelve patients,were diagnosed with irreducible atlantoaxial dislocation,including 7 patients malunion of odontoid fracture,3 rupture of atlas transverse ligament and 2 Occipitalization of the Atlas.Ten patients presented signs and symptoms of myelopathy injury.All of the patients underwent the operation with release of anterior transoropharyngeal approach,and followed by arthrodesis via posterior approach in one stage.Different methods of posterior arthrodesis were conducted as followed:C1,2 joint fixation with plates and screws in the pedicle of the atlas and axis in 10 cases,occipitocervical fixation using pedicle screws of axis and occipitocervical plate in 2 cases.Results:A plete reduction was achieved in 10 cases,and the other 2 patients obtained partial reduction.Twelve patients were followed up from 9 to 26months,11 months for erage.All of them achieved solid arthrodesis.According to JOAs scoring system,among the 10 patients with preoperative upper cervical myelopathy,7 patients were assessed as excellent,2 good and 1 fair.During the operation,cerebral spinal fluid leakage occurred in 1 case.Conclusion:Transoropharyngeal surgical release and posterior arthrodeses can achieve satisfactory outes in patients with irreducible atlantoaxial dislocation.
【KEY WORDS】 Atlanto-axial Joint,Dislocations,Internal Fixators
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 手术方法
1.2.1 术前 ①颅骨牵引,所有病人术前均经颅骨牵引1~2周,并在手术室全麻后大重量牵引下,经寰枢椎X光侧位像证实仍不能复位后归入本组。②经口腔科、耳鼻喉科诊查确认口咽部无感染灶。③术前4天经口腔科行口腔洁齿。④手术前3d开始每日3次用0.5%洗必泰液口腔含漱,鼻腔滴入滴鼻净。⑤口咽部超声雾化3d。⑥术前1d静滴广谱抗生素。⑦术前气管切开。
1.2.2 麻醉与体位 经气管切开处插管全麻。经口咽入路手术取仰卧颈后伸位,术中持续颅骨牵引(6~8kg),将手术床固定在头高脚低位。后路固定术取俯卧位,在翻身过程中必须维持轴向牵引,以防因寰枢关节活动而损伤脊髓。将额部放置于马蹄形固定架上,注意眼部不要受压,在颅骨牵引的作用下,保持颈椎中立位。
1.2.3 手术操作前路松解后路固定融合术治疗难复性寰枢关节脱位论文