

12月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[宝宝的个人简历]毕业院校:中南财经政法大学武汉学院 性别:女 专业:工商企业管理 出生年月:1987年6月7日 邮政邮编:460079 通信地址:洪山区雄楚大街636号 联系电话:027-87785849 电子邮件:xiaoli8767...+阅读

Personal Profiles Name: XXX Sex: Female Ethnic: Chinese political face: the masses Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: Graphic Design Phone: 12345678 mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007 Email Address: Tel :66806688-1234 Educational background Graduate institutions: the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts 1995.9 - 1998.7 graphic design professional Other: Other training * 1997.5 - 1997.12 puter design Academy of Fine Arts to participate in the training process * Master Photoshop5.0/pagemark6.5/freehand8.0/CorelDraw/Illustrator/Firework, Flash, Dream Weer and other graphic design software * Often good at drawing cartoon graphics, a work published Work experience * 1998.6 --- 1999.6 XX advertising agency graphic design Responsible for the pany's creative advertising, design and production of plete * 1999.7 --- art e-merce pany has engineers XX pany logo design, web design Profile I received formal art education, has a good knowledge of art and artistic quality, according to the pany's need for the design of production, master a wide range of puter software, able to efficiently plete the work. Character I cheerful, active thinking, highly creative and easy to municate, he good sense of team. I character Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances). Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your pany will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position! Look forward to working with your interviews!


个人简历制作专题讲座性别:男 公司电话:××××××××× 出生日期:19××年××月××日 家庭电话:××××××××× 地址:某省科技职业学院xxxx# 手机:××××××××× 邮编:××× 求职意向:销...

个人简历旅游管理姓名:戚明霞性别:女民族:汉年龄:23户籍:江苏 毕业院校:吉林农业大学曾担任职务:学习部副部长 电话:1350439107XE-MAIL:qimingxia09#163. 求职意向:酒店 专业课程 旅游学概论、现代旅...

唐雅君个人简历现任亚力山大企业集团董事长。 从台湾到内地 拨通亚力山大集团董事长唐雅君的手机时,她正在去母亲家的路上,因为第二天她就要从台北飞到北京,临走之前她想和父母一起吃顿饭。...

个人简历个人资料: 姓名: 政治面貌: 性别: 学历: 年龄: 系别:民族: 专业: 藉贯: 健康状况: ◆知识结构: 主修课: 专业课程: 选修课: 实习: ◆专业技能: 接受过全方位的大学基础教育,受到 良好的专业训...

个人简历酒店餐饮基本信息 姓名:林渝男国籍:中国照片 目前所在地:中山民族:汉族 户口所在地:小榄身材:166cm?49kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:21岁 证书:党籍: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:本站? 应聘职位:行政/...

人力资源总监求职个人简历基本信息 姓 名: XXX 性 别: 女 年 龄: 27岁 婚姻状况: 未婚 最高学历: 硕士 工作年限: 3年 政治面貌: 中共党员 现居城市: 北京 籍 贯: 江西 联系电话: *********** 电子邮箱: ***#xxx...



