Resume Format Your Contact Information First Last Name Street Address City, State, Zip Phone (Cell/Home) Email Address Objective (optional) What do you want to do? If you include this section it should be a sentence or two about your employment goals. A customized objective that describes why you are the perfect candidate for the job can help your resume stand out from the petition. Career Highlights / Qualifications (optional) A customized section of your resume that lists key achievements, skills, traits, and experience relevant to the position for which you are applying can serve dual purposes. It highlights your relevant experience and lets the prospective employer know that you he taken the time to create a resume that shows how you are qualified for the job. Experience This section of your resume includes your work history. List the panies you worked for, dates of employment, the positions you held and a bulleted list of responsibilities and achievements. pany #1 City, State Dates Worked Job Title Responsibilities / Achievements Responsibilities / Achievements pany #2 City, State Dates Worked Job Title Responsibilities / Achievements Responsibilities / Achievements Education In the education section of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special awards and honors you earned. College, Degree Awards, Honors Skills Include skills related to the position / career field that you are applying for i.e. puter skills, language skills. References ailable upon request There is no need to include references on your resume. Rather, he a separate list of references to give to employers upon request. Customize Your Resume In all cases, be sure to personalize and customize your resume, so, it reflects your skills and abilities and connects them with the jobs you are applying for.
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