

12月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[感恩节的故事英文]The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled th...+阅读

◆ Personal Information:

Name: XXX political landscape: members

Sex: Male Education: Undergraduate

Age: 22 branches: puter Science and Technology

Ethnic: Chinese Professional: puter Science and Technology

By peration: Lanzhou, Gansu health status: good

◆ knowledge structure

Major classes: C language, Discrete Mathematics, JAVA language, data structure, operating system, system architecture, piler theory,

Database theory, puter works

Professional courses: ORACAL practical database, DB2 UDB database, data warehouse, data mining

Elective courses: WINDOWS API programming, binatorial mathematics, futures investment and pragmatic, Western Economics

Internship: ORACAL on the machine, graphics on the machine, the pilation of the experiment, the experimental interface

◆ professional skills:

University received a full range of basic education, being a good professional training and abilities, as the principle in the database and data warehousing and other fields, he a solid theoretical basis and practical experience, there are strong practical ability and research analysis.

◆ Foreign Language level:

In 2002 through the National College English Test 4, 2003 through the National College English Test 6. I heard there is a strong reading and writing skills.

◆ The main social work:

Freshman, sophomore to participate in social practice, has a substitute teacher and tutor

◆ Interests and expertise:

☆ love the cultural and sports activities, especially mountain climbing and soccer

☆ loving German classical philosophy, the University has during the study of Qu Yuan

☆ fascinated in the futures and securities markets, like Western economics theory and case management of enterprises hing adopted

◆ personal honor:

Public-spirited undertakings, non-remunerated blood donation 200CC

Sophomore was fresh and fresh style contest prize

◆ main advantages:

★ stronger anizational capacity, planning capacity and public relations activities in the capacity of the basic form in secondary schools, universities and all-round development of continuous

★ strong language skills, a more profound knowledge of literature and literary talent inside

★ he a stronger team spirit, the students he good interpersonal skills; the students he a higher prestige, fine character

◆ Self-evaluation

Lively and cheerful, optimistic, progressive, interested in a wide range of adaptability, on手快, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, determination, hard, he the courage to meet new challenges.

◆ job intentions

petence database applications and related fields of production, scientific research work. Can also engage in trade, marketing, management and planning work activities.


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