

12月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[金融系毕业生自我推荐书]尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的自荐信。我是XX财经大学财会金融系的本站。 在思想上,我追求进步,热爱集体,尊敬老师,团结同学,性格开朗有主见,做事细致有思路,对...+阅读

Basic information

Name: XXX Sex: Male

National: Han origin: Shaanxi Mizhi

Date of birth: March 1984

Political landscape: the Chinese munist party members

Profession: Electronic and Information Engineering

Education: Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Engineering Hobbies: puters, sports

Health status: good

Contact munication Address: Yan'an University XXX postcode: 716000

EMIL: bd6XXXX#163.

Major award in the school during the

2003-2004 school year was outstanding party members Yan'an University

2003-2004 school year to obtain the best students and cadres in Yan'an University and received second-class scholarship

Yan'an University was 2004-2005 individuals in social practice

2004-2005 University of access to good social practice yan'an report

puter level

Familiar with the principles of puter works and security ponents

Has been the National puter Rank Examination C-2

Familiar with the Microputer Principle and Interface Technology, will use a simple assembly language programming

Familiar with the puter data structure and the basic algorithm, will be a simple C language programming

Database theory, principles of puter munications and multimedia technology to understand

Familiar with the Office family of business software and Visual Basic, Photoshop and other software

The level of expertise

Familiar with the MCS-51 series single-chip microputer system and a simple system development

Familiar with the Pspise, EWB, Protel2003 99SE and Matlab software

Familiar with the monly used electronic equipment and ponents and application

Social practice

Formed in 2002 and year-round to participate in the University of Electronics Association yan'an appliances maintenance obligations

Yan'an University, 2003 to participate in the summer, science and technology, culture, public health three rural areas

April 2005 to the transformer factory in Xi'an, Xi'an capacitor plant, Xi'an Software Park, Northwest Polytechnic University three Air Museum, SEG Electronic City for a week-long industrial trainee

Yan'an University in 2005 to participate in the summer, science and technology, culture, public health three rural areas

In September 2005 Fiberhome Group Co., Ltd. Baoji industrial attachment


Learning: hard careful, diligent in thinking, good at learning new knowledge

Work: a strong sense of responsibility, with strong anizational abilities and excellent sense of cooperation and innovation

Advantages: passion, integrity, good interpersonal skills

Job intentions

Institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions

Electronics, munications, puters and automation in areas such as

puter work system

Courses: circuit analysis of analog circuits digital circuit Automatic Control Engineering English signal high-frequency electronic circuits and systems of digital signal processing puter C language programming of puter munication technology applications based on electromagic field and microwe technology database theory and technology of electronic sensors and detection technology curriculum design TV Principle and technical single-chip interface technology theory and puter software based on electronic measurement

Principle and Application of Microputer Principles and Applications of analog integrated circuits integrated puter-assisted (e-EDA)

Main Courses

Basic subjects: English Advanced Mathematics Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Drawing the legal basis for general physics ideological and moral cultivation of the political economy of Marxist philosophy outlined in Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought

Experimental Section: Analysis of the experimental electronic measurement circuit experimental physics experiment general digital circuit analog circuit experimental microputer experiment experiment experiment high-frequency circuits of color television VB experimental procedure of automatic control engineering experiments on the development of experimental aircraft MATLAB puter experiments based on C language programming experiment experimental monolithic the development of experimental systems

Self-Taught: Modern munication Principle programmable logic device puter operating system application of multimedia technology

Modern digital system design single-chip micro-puter work technology and application of principles of puter

Fate with the development and progress


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