

12月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com


TRAINING COORDINATOR Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. SKILLSHuman Resource Development:Articulate and effective municator and trainer.Inspire a team mitment to pany goals,management objectives and high quality performance standards.

puter systems:Skilled in use and development of data collection,and spreadsheet programs for accounting,statistical analysis and reporting functions.Assisted in puter systems installations and full training of employees.

Troubleshooter:Analytical with and established track record for identifying plex problems;resourceful and inventive in developing and implementing creative solutions with enhanced sensitivity to cost,efficiency and deadlines.

EXPERIENCE1993-Present Silver Guard Insurance Agency


Develop training curriculum,aids and materials to instruct staff in division operations,corporate policy and procedure,and to maintain on-going personnel development in knowledge of current practices,increase job performance skills and maintain quality assurance for al office operations. Conduct highly effective classroom sessions and hands-on training enpassing billing,benefits,insurance industry regulations and relevant legal issues.

Specialize in investigating medical malpractice cases.

1991-1993 Orange munity medical center


Managed and supervised daily credit and collections operations with responsibility for client billing and managing free care peograms.Controlled operating budget and contributed to overall budget planning.Analyzed accounts status and implemented appropriate collections procedures;facilitated clear munications with service vendors;worked effectively with attorneys in cases involving legal proceedings. 1987-1991 Contemporary Temps


Collected insurance statistical data;implemented cost oidance programs and conducted training of temporary employees in billing procedures,goverment benefits programs,health card benefits issues,and insurance industry regulations.EDUCATIONBachelor of science in business administration,1988

Coker College-Hartsville,SC


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