

12月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[令人感动流泪的博士生毕业致谢信]27年后,也是在一个下雪的深夜,我完成了我的博士论文。当我打完最后一个字的时候,我站起来,拉开窗帘,打开窗户,白天还吵吵闹闹、喧嚣的世界变成一片洁白,让人顿感清净。 我从进入大...+阅读

联合培养博士推荐信一般在学生申请学费资助的情况下就需要专家的推荐信,以致方便日后联系导师等。以下这篇来自资料下载网整理的联合培养博士推荐信范文。联合培养博士推荐信:Dear Prof. XXX: XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for dual culture doctoral staged training under your guidance. As his domestic supervisor, I am pleased to ply with his request. XX joined my research center in September XXXX, and started his doctoral study under my guidance. During his undergraduate study, his terminal result is always outstanding. And he had magazine paper published on his interested academic field, while participated in some practical projects. It’s laudable as an undergraduate student. Based on these, he was unconditionally offered the only qualification in the department to study for the doctorate directly. As his interests, urban design and landscape, dovetail with my research direction, I believe that he can finish the doctoral research process with his good practice and academic research ability so I decide to be his tutor. In the six months of research work, he was responsible for the prehensive planning, urban design, and other research of longitudinal programs, but because ust entered the first year of doctoral study, he took more time on the theory study to stabilize theoretical basis through the study of doctoral courses and review research. In the work of longitudinal projects, he can play good role as my assistant. He coordinated and led work group, while effectively pleted his project missions. And he published an academic paper taking his responsible project as study case. It proves that he is able to use the practice experience and theoretical knowledge, and has some of the academic research ability, which, of course, all are expected to be significantly improved. As his tutor, I hope through the joint training under your guidance this time, he can expand his international vision, touch the academic front, and hope to build a munication bridge as this to strengthen our academic cooperating relationship. To sum up, I remend you XXX and hope you can accept his application. Sincerely yours XXX相关推荐>>>>>>推荐信 专题


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