

05月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我区大中专毕业生就业情况分析]一、基本情况 截至目前,全区大中专毕业生累计总数13.12万人,其中已实现就业6.99万人(其中历届大中专毕业生3.75万人),未就业6.13万人(其中历届大中专毕业生3.6万人)。未就业大中专...+阅读

面的市场就业情况进行了调查。关键词:发展专业型机械设计自动化汽车制造应用技术Abstract: On twenty-first Century, is for the development and survival of the century is also the petition and cooperation of the century. In such social environment, read a famous university to get a diploma and degree certificates is the vast majority of students expectation. Although the famous brand university graduation certificate and degree certificate is in the employment of graduates strong astepping-stone to success. However, some people say good university as reading a good professional. Now the society needs the all-round talent, but this is only the social expectations, people's dreams. As the saying goes, do a line of line, so can possibly but not necessarily is then refined. So now the most able to adapt to the society is a professional talents, dry line of a line of talent. On the basis of this, even if you are the type of professional dry line of fine line personnel, with professional knowledge and technology is it right? It must able to get a good job? One can imagine, it is not certain that our world and society is a kaleidoscope of diverse forms of hue, in addition, he the professional knowledge and skills, but also a social world and market development form as we create opportunities is our professional knowledge and technology also he its play. Therefore, to solve this problem, 7 at the end of 2011, I to my major : mechanical design manufacturing and automation professional market employment a circumstance to undertake investigating. Of course, our professional covers many aspects, I just for one of the specialized in the application of technology .The face of market employment condition were investigated Key word: Development Professional type Mechanical design Automation Automotive manufacturing Application Technology二.实践调查相关内容1.调查目的:了解我《机械设计制造及自动化专业的市场就业情况的调查报告》出自:链接地址:: 本站.



大学毕业生面向基层就业情况调查报告山东大学毕业生基层就业情况调查报告2007年01月08日山东大学 摘要:近年,大学生基层就业已成为社会关注的热点问题,并且成为大学生就业的重要渠道之一,国家也一贯倡导大学生到基...


大学生就业情况的调查报告大学生越来越多,就业人数越来越多,但是大学生高不成低不就的现象很严重。 更严重的是企业缺人现象也很严重。下面有范文大全小编整理的大学生就业情况的调查报告范文,欢迎阅读!...

关于当代大学生就业情况调查报告就业形势分析调查如下: 对问卷反馈的数据可以做出结论:52.33%的大学生觉得现在的 就业形势严重,就业难,而认为形势正常占了29.07%,有12.79%的人觉得就业容易,而不了解占5.81%。我...

现在大学生就业情况的调查报告模板近年来,大学生就业难成了社会普遍关注的话题。下面有范文大全小编整理的现在大学生就业情况的调查报告模板,欢迎阅读! 一、调查目的:当今社会,科技经济发展飞速,市场竟争日益激烈...

全国大学生就业情况的调查报告大学生越来越多,就业人数越来越多,但是大学生高不成低不就的现象很严重。 更严重的是企业缺人现象也很严重。下面有范文大全小编整理的全国大学生就业情况的调查报告范文,欢迎...

关于大学生就业情况的调查报告模板大学生就业难问题的原因非常复杂,而且还隐含着深层次的社会问题。下面有范文大全小编整理的关于大学生就业情况的调查报告模板,欢迎阅读! 一、大学生就业现状 目前,我国正处在...

