

06月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学生就业自荐信大学生毕业自荐信]大学生就业自荐信【1】 您好! 首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,您的信任就是我的动力! 我叫XX,毕业于有着建筑行业黄浦湘军之称的湖南城建职业技术学院,土木系道路桥梁...+阅读

respect leadership:


first of all thank you for taking your time to take time to read this letter of remendation.

thank you for taking time out of his busy schedule to review my material, and hope to give me a chance!

general things a solid grasp of knowledge and expertise in a certain ability and anizational capacity subordinates, is your desire. to a fully professional expertise of their own work units, and can be your concern is my hope; primary assistant, help you whether the work; suitable work units, help me to display their talent. solid professional knowledge and duozhong skills is my application capital, and practical skills but also my strengths. bear hardships and stand hard work, integrity, seeking truth from facts, and he a strong sense of responsibility and the desire to do better, is the principle that i be the person. perhaps we will be a mon goal to stand together, and that is: will the expensive unit the brilliant history written more colorful! guichanli is willing to work and sacrifice their own youth and talent.

four year university life and learning, i not only he good team spirit, and a strong practical operation ability, can be in foreign economic and trade department, foreign capital enterprise, foreign financial industry and other enterprises and institutions, government agencies engaged in international economic trade work planning, anization, management, etc.

as a college student, i five, hard up, study hard, and won a scholarship, trying to learn professional knowledge while, widely read many economic books, expand their knowledge base. at the same time in a college sophomore year period through english four, six level of test, some classmates has also made the customs declaration certificates and documents member card, logistics division certificate.

time is going forward, but everyone in the start again, let my this started in today this moment, because your eye and shine brilliantly. lose now lose, lost in the future, i am your now, let you is my future. sincerely hope that the expensive unit can give us a chance, provide a platform to demonstrate your ability.

finally i wish your esteemed pany all the best!

applicant: xxx


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