[简单的小学毕业感言]小学毕业感言 (一) 带着我的梦 带着朋友的祝福 带着对学校的留恋 在以后的日子里,愿你在未来的天空中自由的翱翔,攀登知识的最高峰。 不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我,不管...+阅读
My dear teacher, lovely friends:
Everybody is good! Time flies like running water, while, three years of kindergarten life is ing to an end, we will lee this sweet and happy family in the kindergarten, I really could not bear to you. In the past three years, weve learned a lot of things, understand a lot of sense, form good habits, know ones own things to do, to concern and care for others, to respect and considerate of other people... .
We wont fet, three years ago when I first got into the garden, we cry, reluctantly into the kindergarten. At first, I dont know how to get along with children, eating special slow, sleep sleep not real, is the teachers with selfless love to caress, warm me, always encouraged me to get along with other children, after taking a nap every day, the teacher ge me plunge into a beautiful small plait... ... Slowly, I like kindergarten, fell in love with this family.
We will not fet that the past three years the teacher like my mother take care of our dress, eat, sleep, teaches us to read, count, drawing. When we catch a cold sick, although we take medicine... The teacher with love, care and patience to make us learn to Thanksgiving, love of learning, speaking civilization, polite. It also reminds me of when I first got into the garden, the teacher to teach our childrens song kindergarten like my home, the teacher love me I love her, the teacher praised me good baby, I say the teacher like my mother. We are all your children, our hearts are together with you forever! Thank you teacher, you were laborious!
We wont fet, friends, like brothers and sisters, we play games together, singing childrens songs, learn how to dance, you are my life the good friends.
We will not fet that the kindergarten like childrens paradise. Here has bee our second home, here more than friends, joy, here is warm and cozy, happy and full of dreams, I love the kindergarten.
Today, we he grown up, will lee the kindergarten to go to primary school, like a young eagle grew up, want to fly to a more broad sky. But, no matter how high we fly, how far, we wont fet the happy time in the kindergarten. We will remember that teachers and parents expectations, from here, to go sailing into the primary school, towards a better tomorrow.
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