[英文专业大学生职业规划]第一章:自我认知 自我认知是对自己进行全方位,多角度的分析 1.个人基本情况我是一个别开朗又不内向的人,与人交往融洽,细心有条理。不喜欢竞争和冒险,喜欢自由自在的生活,喜欢按自...+阅读
以下是范文大全小编分享的审计师英文简历表格,更多内容请关注个人简历网。Name:fwdqgender :maleBirth :***telephone :Degree :BachelorProfessional:AccountingExperience :yearsnational :HanSchool:*** College of Finance and Economicsaddress :***E-mail :.fwdq.Self Introduction:
Eight-years working experience in renowned CPA firms and with five-years team-leading experience.
Plenty of audit experience in IPO annual audit under US GAAP and IFRS, SOX404.
Be involved in the industry of manufacture consumer goods、medicine pharmacology、TMT.
Be familiar with the business operation and capitaltransactions from the VC PE entities.
Be familiar with the set up of legal structure out of PRC and the VIE SPE structure in China.
Ability to address the plicated transations of MA、finance instruments and stock option、consolidation.Target Job:
Desired Job Category:Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor | Auditing Manager/Supervisor | Investment AdministrationDesired Job Industry:Consumer Products(FMCG) | Media/Publishing/Culture | Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Professional Service (Consultancy/Accountancy/Legal) | TelemunicationsDesired Salary:NegotiableDesired City:***I can start from:within 1 monthWork Experience:
2008.3-Now***CPA Ltd ***Branch ***Group
Senior auditor
Responsibilities and Achievements:
The major responsibility is to provide assurance advisory service to the clients such as US HK listed coporations, and SOX404. Being the role of Accountant-in-charge, I am responsible to the coordination between the engagement manager and clients, to identify the audit risk based on the understanding and professional judgement of different clients nature and tailor the audit procedure accordingly; to draft the accountingMemo such as revenue recognition、VIE and SPE、Preferred share; to allocate the job to team members according to their experience and review the working papers and coach them;to give reasonable suggestion and solution on the issues identified and submit them to the engagement manager for reference; to clear the ments from the engagement managers and partners, summarize the audit issues and review the auditors report.2003.2-2008.2***Branch
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Prepare the audit planning, understanding the clients business knowledge and nature, evaluate the inherent risk、operating effectiveness design and implementation of internal control, calculating the planning materiality and perform the analytical review on the preliminary financial statements, identify the audit risk and fraud; Allocate different works to the associates based on their experience and grade, give proper encourage and coach to them; review the working papers prepared by them and resolve the queries raised by them during the fieldwork and make sure the timely pletion of the engagement; Be responsible for some key accounts such as the review of consolidated financial statements、MA、related party transaction、EPS and deferred tax、the accountingMemo of VIE and warrant preferred shares, the inventory and sales cycle in manufacturing industry; Summarize the significant accountingadjustments and findings after the pletion of fieldwork, then reported to engagement manager for ***, draft the auditors report and archive the audit file.1997.9-2003.1***
Responsibilities and Achievements:
I joined the division of government and non-profit anization as a civil servant in the local audit office after my graduation, which is responsible for auditing revenues and expenditures of government departments and non-profit agencies, including institutions under the Local Peoples Congress and local Peoples Court, Local Peoples Procuratorate, Armed Police, party and government anizations and social bodies which receive local budgetary appropriations or turn over revenues to local financial departments.Education:
1994.9-1998.6***College of Finance and Economics
Major Category:
Major Deion and Courses:
Higher mathematics 、English、Chinese、Political economy、Philosophy、History、Basic accounting、Industrial accounting、mercial accounting、Management accounting、Western accounting、Auditing、Finance、Financial Managment、Marketing、Information system design、puter、Graduation thesis。
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