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[英语推荐信格式][推荐者名姓 职位 公司名称 地址] [Name Street City State Zip Code] [Phone # Fax phone # Email address] [Date today月日年] To Whom It May Concern: It is my great p...+阅读


撰写个人简历在语言的描述方面,常常会出现语法错误和语言表达不清楚的情况。优秀的个人简历要求具有较高可读性,而个人简历的可性则就表现在语法使用准确、逻辑思维严谨方面。在各方面的信息表达上,需要清晰明了、准确。NamefwdqGenderFemaleDate of BirthLocationShanghaiContact NoAddressE-mail.fwdq.Job Target

Target IndustryThe hope responds to a call for recruits profession scopeTarget jobAdmin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager, Purchasing Specialist/Staff, Sales Admin. Manager/Supervisor ,Business Supervisor/ExecutiveTarget addressShanghai ,Shenyang ,Dalian ,Hangzhou ,NanjingTarget salaryAnticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in personTo hillock timeThe new post can in the long time assume the postWorking Experience

2007/10PresentXXXIndustry: Oils/Chemicals/Mines/Geology

GM Office GM Assistant

Responsibilities Achievements:

1.Assistant work to GM, Meanwhile arrangement for GM Managers routine schedule and business outing etc.

2.Connect closely with the head office of BASF China for the relative issues, meanwhile, dealing with the legal issues.

3.Deal with the issues regarding administrative bureau for industry and merce, tax bureau etc.

4.Responsible for the Mark founction, in the mean time cooperate with the munication Department of BASF group for the pany culture promotion.

5.Responsible for the Semicon China exhibition.

6.In charge of the shuttle bus arrangement, and the official filing management.

Report Directly to:GM ManagerNumber of Subordinate:1

Reference:LInda Yang

Achievements:Site location is too far away from home.2005/112007/10Cerutti China Ltd Shanghai Representative OfficeIndustry: Machinery, Equipment, Hey Industries

Admin Admin Manager

Responsibilities Achievements:

My position in CERUTTI CHINA is admin manager, mainly responsible for the customer service of the China Area and daily operation of the Shanghai office, working closely with the Italy mother pany,HK Branch, as well as the Singapore Asia branch etc. meanwhile coordinate with other departments to increase the efficiency.

1.Coordinate closely with the Chief Manager to municate with every Branch pany, increase the inner working efficiency.

2.Part of the China Area Customer service and the technical support, including translation and engineer assignment etc.

3.Office assets daily consumption management and purchasing, suppliers chosen etc.

4.Staff assignment, schedule establishment, Visa application, hotel and tickets booking etc.

5.Meeting and activity arrangement。

6.Staffs handling concerning the industrial, mercial, accounting and tax etc. as well as the matters regarding the government.

7.Coordinate with HR department to he the staff assessment job.2003/112005/10Business consultation panyIndustry: Trading/Import Export

Trade/Translation International trad buyer/Interpreter

My main jobs are:

1.Collecting the information about the international suppliers, especially on the field of machinery, meanwhile assaying and summarizing the pared machinery, then find the most suitable one for my customers.

2.Contacting with the suppliers overseas, draft out and deal with the business document and help the customors to acplish the cooperation.

3.Coordinate with both side for the meeting and negotiating etc.

4.Eventually, act as the technical support for the installation and missioning on site, coordinate within the relative department.

Report Directly to:GM2002/092003/10C C HANG INCIndustry: Trading/Import Export

Trade/ Translation Paper Translator

Responsibilities Achievements:

Responsibility The collection of the materials for immigration, overseas study, and the business visiting etc. meanwhile responsible for the application and interviews arrangement etc.

Achievements: Acplished several application cases.Education/Training

1999/092002/07Liaoning Business Vocational College

Foreign Trade English Associate

I he passed the CET 4 and puter Band 1 and also got the Foreign Secretary Qualification. Meanwhile, I used to be the reporter of our college broadcasting station, and responsible for all the duties concerning the report, he strong expression ability, and ever be the head of our journalist association. Otherwise, I he the experience to be the presenter of several large activity of my college.1999/092002/07Liaoning Business Vocational College English, secretary, puter etc.CET4, Foreign Secretary Qualification, puter band 1etc.Intensive English, oral English, Listening English, puter, Secretary practice, Archival science, International Trading, Foreign trading writing etc.Certificate


Ive more than 5 years working experience in multinational panies with office administration, global technical sourcing and support (installation and missioning) etc. Meanwhile I am an openminded team player, with excellent English skills, good at munication and problem handling.


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