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[求介绍瑞士地理位置和气候的英文]地理: It is often said that Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe. Geographically speaking, that's not quite true. However, the main route linking northern and...+阅读

Australia is a stable, democratic society with a skilled workforce and a strong, competitive economy. With a population of over 20 million, Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and is the sixth-largest country in the world in land area. Australia's multicultural society includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and migrants from some 200 countries.Australian exports are a mix of traditional commodities, services and advanced manufacturing. The economy is open and innovative, with a commitment from the Australian Government to maintain economic growth in a competitive environment. Over the past decade, strong growth has been accompanied by low inflation and interest rates, and solid productivity.The Australian Government is firmly committed to supporting Australian innovation and excellence through an ongoing action plan called 'Backing Australia's Ability—Building our Future through Science and Innovation'.In a global economy, language skills are a great advantage for the national workforce. Although English is the official language in Australia, more than 4.1 million Australians speak a second language. As a result, Australia offers the familiarity of a Western business culture with a workforce capable of operating in both Asian and Western business environments. In fact, Australia has a greater range of Asian language skills than any other country in Asia or the Pacific. More than 840 companies have established their regional headquarters in Australia.The language skills and other capabilities that attract foreign companies are, in part, a result of Australia's diverse multicultural society. In almost 60 years of planned post-war migration, Australia has welcomed over 6 million migrants, including more than 600 000 refugees. Over this time, the population has increased from about 7 million to 20 million.Australia's spectacular natural environment, rich Indigenous history and culture, multicultural communities, and vibrant food and wine sector make it one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. More than 5 million people visit Australia every year, making the tourism industry the largest contributor to Australian services export earnings.A great number of Australia's native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural heritage and has a range of protection procedures in place, including World Heritage listings and many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.Did you know?The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook for 2004 ranked Australia the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up from seventh place in 2003 and 10th place in 2002.Australia is one of the world's oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia's contemporary history is relatively short, with the first European settlement established by England on 26 January 1788.The quality of life enjoyed by people in Australia is one of the highest in the world. Australia's clean physical environment, health services, education and lifestyle combine to make it an attractive place to live. Australia's ancient Indigenous traditions and multiculturalism are reflected in the diverse cultures and forms of artistic talent present in the country.Australia has a well-developed education system with participation rates among the highest in the world. On average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary school than their counterparts in many other countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each year Australia welcomes an increasing number of international students; current figures rate Australia third among English-speaking countries as a destination for these students.Australia is a robust democracy that pioneered the secret ballot and the vote for women. Australia's system of government reflects the British and North American models of liberal democracy, but has uniquely Australian features.Australian emergency, humanitarian and refugee programs aim to alleviate the impacts of conflict, natural and other disasters on vulnerable populations. To ensure effective response, Australia works in cooperation with international and domestic partners.Australia works with other countries to promote security in the Asia Pacific region. A strong and capable defence force is fundamental to Australia's security, and the Government is committed to maintaining a solid defence funding base. The focus...


介绍一些好听的英文DJfirefly tpl - talk play love my first love talking about - mr sweetbox - human sacrifice se tu vuoi rihanna - disturbia rhythm of love yoomiii rappers against r...

谁能推荐些最新的节奏欢快的英文Believe - Dima Bilan Kings of tomorrow -bwo Love remains the same - gavin rossdale Leave Out All The Rest –Linkin park Did You See Me Coming? - Pet Shop Boys...

哪位高手帮忙翻译一下毕业设计的英文摘要 !万分感谢This book is DianFenChang zhuanglang county xin xi environmental impact assessment report (because, for reference book of material, the authors used data from m...


超人总动员英文简介!短点办手抄报用!Bob Paar used to be one of the world's greatest superheroes (known to all as “Mr. Incredible”), saving lives and fighting evil on a daily basis. But now, fift...


澳大利亚的英语介绍Australia is located on the southern hemisphere. It is the lagest country among oceanian countries. It has the Pacific Ocean to the east and the India Ocean to...

AUSTRALIA英文简介=============== Australia(116字) =============== Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland, the major island of Tasmania, and nu...

用英语介绍澳大利亚With an area of eight million square kilometres, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. • The population stands at just twenty million, of whom s...
