

12月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一份英文自我介绍]good morning, my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a...+阅读

Good morning/afternoon! I really appreciate to have this opportunity to stand here receiving this interview. Let me make a brief introduction to me, my name is XXX, 20 years old, come from Chengdu. 前边也给你改了改,原文有错。法供瘁佳诓簧搭伪但镰 My major is Tourism Management and I think it can help me to be a trainee in the hotel. 我的专业是旅游管理,但是我认为我所学的专业知识对在酒店实习有很大帮助, Hotel is one part of the tourism business, people traveling around make hotel necessary. Therefore, I can service customer as well as their travelling. 因为酒店是旅游行业中不可缺少的一部分,人们大多是因为到各地旅游才住进酒店,而我不仅能在他们入住酒店后为他们提供服务,并且还能在他们的旅途中提供服务。 (你这个原文表述的不是很明白,我给你改了改) The reason why I choose a hotel is I like this job, hope to apply my knowledge to practice, and why this hotel? This hotel is well known for its good working environment which I like very much. 之所以选择这家酒店,首先,是因为我喜欢这份工作,希望能够将书本上学到的运用到实践当中,其次就是我喜欢这家酒店,喜欢这样的工作环境, (话不通,我也改了改) To be a trainee in this hotel would be very helpful to me, I would do everything with efforts to make me qualified to hotel if I can get this opportunity to work with you. 而能进这样五星级的酒店进行培训实习,是我的荣幸。 (没什么荣幸的,感谢就行了) Thank you very much! 非常感谢。 参考资料:很简单,但是你要把握说话的精髓——信心。


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