

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com




Private Sub start_type_Click()


ScaleMode = 3 '以象素为单位

If deforescrapname <> scrapname Then '同一篇不能显示2次

Dim i As Integer

Debug.Print mode

If mode = False Then

Close #1

If Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\" Then

Open App.Path + "\" + scrapname For Input As #1

deforescrapname = scrapname

Debug.Print scrapname


Open App.Path + scrapname For Input As #1

deforescrapname = scrapname

End If

'MsgBox "fds"

mode = True

End If


If mode_label = True Then

For i = 1 To 5 Step 1

Unload Label1(i)

Unload RichTextBox1(i)

char_total = 0

Next i

mode_label = False

End If

i = 1

Dim jz As String

If mode_label = False Then

Do While Not EOF(1)

If i > 5 Then

Exit Sub

End If

jz = Input$(60, #1)


Load Label1(i)

Label1(i).Caption = jz

Label1(i).FontSize = 12

Label1(i).FontBold = True

Label1(i).Width = Picture1.Width

Label1(i).Left = 20 / 15

Label1(i).Top = (1000 * i) / 15

Label1(i).Visible = True

Load RichTextBox1(i)

RichTextBox1(i).Font.Size = 12

RichTextBox1(i).Font.Bold = True

RichTextBox1(i).Left = Label1(i).Left - 2

RichTextBox1(i).Top = Label1(i).Top + Label1(i).Height + 1

RichTextBox1(i).Width = Label1(i).Width - 20

RichTextBox1(i).Visible = True


i = i + 1

'Debug.Print currx, curry

'MsgBox "sdfs"

'Debug.Print i

mode_label = True 'label以动态加在


End If


MsgBox "同一篇不能显示2次"

End If

End Sub



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