Always like, in a certain window, see him waiting for the figure, as well as he occasionally turned to see my face.
I always used to smile, from his side, and then the heart is full of joy.
That is after the placement of the fifth day, I once again came to the familiar with the window, he and his guys where queuing to buy food. I didn't go to that window, and went to the adjacent window to make a meal.. Always pretending to be calm..
推荐几个适合学习英语的电影看了几百部!讲讲自己对这些的理解 (绝对原创) 美国的《初恋的回忆》,是我看过的最感人的校园片,原来爱情是那么的伟大的,可以改变一切 美国的《美丽心灵》这电影,真的说不出的感悟...
介绍几个英语儿歌1. This is the way. (Flash) 2. Are you sleeping? (Flash) 3. Rain, rain, go away.(Flash) 4. Pat-A-cake (Flash) 5. Cradle Song (Flash) 6. Five Big Dump Trucks (Fl...
美国留学推荐信写信常用的英语词汇有哪些呢一、Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a。 Native intellectual ability(天赋) b。 Imagination(想象力) c。 Creativity(创造力) d。 Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思...
毕业作文200字左右每当我看到这张毕业照,我的眼泪又流了出来。虽然已经过去一个学期了,可我仍然固执地认为:事情就好像发生在昨天。 照片上的日期清晰地告诉我,那是2012年的夏天。是啊,浅蓝色的夏...
急问推荐好的英语原著app扇贝读书 扇贝读书是扇贝网(Shanbay)旗下产品。 你也许学了十几年英语;你也许背过几千个单词;你也许还买了好多英语原著; ....... 可是,你真的有完整看完一本英文书么? 扇贝读书不...
推荐一些有助于学英语的软件电影黄或者英语原著书百词斩。里面可以直接学习各种级别的单词,以及例句,还可以与其他人比赛。缺点是不可以查单词。 有道词典。最大的用处是查单词,短语。不是打广告。 英语电影,不知道你是要学习什...
英语作文毕业后如何找到好工作200字What do I want to do when I m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a...
毕业后找一份安逸的工作的英语作文I was born in the city of Dalian, Liaoning Province. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. Then I entered NO. 6 Middle School where I mainly...