[谁能帮忙介绍点歌手]全名:Britney Jean Spears 中文名:布兰妮 昵称:小甜甜 小名:Bit-Bit,Brit 生日:1981年12月1日 星座:射手座 身高:5呎3吋(约160公分左右) 眼睛的颜色:棕色 自己的座右铭:好好的过每一天...+阅读
俄狄浦斯(Oedipus 或 Œdipus,有时拼为 Oidipous)是希腊神话中忒拜(Thebe)的国王,是国王拉伊奥斯(Laius)和王后约卡斯塔(Iocasta)的儿子,他在不知情的情况下,杀死了自己的父亲并娶了自己的母亲。 拉伊奥斯年轻时曾经劫走国王佩洛普斯(Pelops)的儿子克律西波斯(Chrysippus),因此遭到诅咒,他的儿子俄狄浦斯出生时,神谕表示他会被儿子所杀死,为了逃避命运,拉伊奥斯刺穿了新生儿的脚踝(oidipous 在希腊文的意思即为“肿胀的脚”),并将他丢弃在野外等死。
然而奉命执行的牧人心生怜悯,偷偷将婴儿转送给科林斯(Corinth)的国王波吕波斯(Polybus),由他们当作亲生儿子般地扶养长大。 俄狄浦斯长大后,因为德尔菲(Delphi)神殿的神谕说,他会弑父娶母,不知道科林斯国王与王后并非自己亲生父母的俄狄浦斯,为避免神谕成真,便离开科林斯并发誓永不再回来。俄狄浦斯流浪到忒拜附近时,在一个叉路上与一群陌生人发生冲突,失手杀了人,其中正包括了他的亲生父亲。
后来,受俄狄浦斯统治的国家不断有灾祸与瘟疫,国王因此向神只请示,想要知道为何会降下灾祸。最后在先知提瑞西阿斯(Tiresias)的揭示下,俄狄浦斯才知道他是拉伊奥斯的儿子,终究应验了他之前杀父娶母的不幸命运。震惊不已的约卡斯塔羞愧地上吊自杀,而同样悲愤不已的俄狄浦斯,则刺瞎了自己的双眼。 Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, king and queen of Thebes.After having been married some time without children, Laius consulted the Oracle of Apollo (God of Sun) at Delphi. The Oracle prophesized that any son born to Laius would kill him. In an attempt to prevent this prophecy's fulfillment, when Jocasta indeed bore a son, Laius had his ankles pinned together so that he could not crawl, and gave the boy to a servant to abandon ("expose") on the nearby mountain. However, rather than leave the child to die of exposure, as Laius intended, the sympathetic servant passed the baby onto a shepherd from Corinth and then to another shepherd.Oedipus the infant eventually came to the house of Polybus, king of Corinth and his queen, Merope, who adopted him as they were without children of their own. Little Oedipus/Oidipous was named after the swelling from the injuries to his feet and ankles. The word oedema (British English) or edema (American English) is from this same Greek word for swelling: οἴδημα, or oedēma.Many years later, Oedipus was told by a drunk that Polybus was not his real father but when he asked his parents, they denied it. Oedipus sought counsel from the same Delphic Oracle. The Oracle didn't tell him the identity of his true parents but instead told him that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. In his attempt to avoid the fate predicted by the Oracle, he decided to not return home to Corinth. Since it was near to Delphi, Oedipus decided to go to Thebes.As Oedipus traveled, he came to Davlia, where three roads crossed each other. Here he encountered a chariot driven by his (unrecognized) birth-father, King Laius. They fought over who had the right to go first and Oedipus killed Laius in self defense, unwittingly fulfilling part of the prophecy. The only witness of the King's death was a slave who fled from a caravan of slaves also traveling on the road at the time.Continuing his journey to Thebes, Oedipus encountered a Sphinx which would stop all those who traveled to Thebes and ask them a riddle. If the travelers were unable to answer correctly, they would be killed and eaten by the Sphinx; if they were successful, they would be able to continue their journey. The riddle was: "What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?". Oedipus answered: "Man: as an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs and; in old age, he relies on a walking stick". Oedipus was the first to answer the riddle correctly and, having heard Oedipus' answer, the Sphinx was astounded and inexplicably killed itself by throwing itself into the sea, freeing Thebes.Grateful, the people of Thebes appointed Oedipus as their king and gave him the recently widowed Queen Jocasta's hand in marriage. (The people of Thebes believed ...
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