[用英语介绍一下越狱的剧情和人物我要用英语作几张ppt来介绍爱]剧情梗概: 迈克尔-斯科菲尔德正陷于无望的困境中——他的哥哥林肯-巴罗斯被认定犯有谋杀罪被投入了福克斯河监狱的死囚牢。虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就是凶手,迈克尔坚信兄长...+阅读
today, i experienced the most irritating traffic jam ever in my life. my father was driving me to watch a movie with my friends from high school, who i have not seen since graduation. i was hoping to have a wonderful re-union with them. however, our car was stuck in the middle of **** road because two drivers were fighting and their cars blocked the way. no one was able to persuade them to quit quarreling. i could not stand the situation anymore: i stepped out the car and disputed with those two men. it did not work out the way i had expected. the voices of the two men were so loud that even local policeman had to drive by. the policeman calmed down the two drivers and strived his best to dissolve the situation. with such exertions, the policeman finally made the road clean and the traffic started to move on afterward. as a result of one hour traffic jam, i missed the entire movie and apologized to my friends.
急!求一个用英语介绍尼古拉斯凯奇的PPTNicolas Kim Coppola (born January 7, 1964),[1][2][3][4] known professionally as Nicolas Cage, is an American actor, director, and producer. He has performed in...
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