[帮我写篇作文!谢谢!]几乎所有的心理疾病和人格缺陷都缘于不自信。缺乏自信的人会产生一系列的问题,偏激、怯懦、多疑、狭隘、冷漠等等。 (2008-1-27 21:01:49) 我最温柔的俘虏点击:279 今年27岁的吴...+阅读
Ayoub's article deals with that wider set of relatives anthropologists call the "kindred" and Americans refer to as "family" or; simply,"relatives." Her subject is of special interest to scholars of modernization because it challenges and requires qualifications to the view that modern society is inimical to kinship relations.This view holds that relatives are not in a position to provide the solidarity and material support of kinsmen as occurs with traditional societies.Nowadays,except within the immediate family,we do not interact with relatives primarily or nearly as often as we do with others.Contacts between kin are tenuous and relations are maintained mostly through exchanged greeting cards,telephone calls,and occasional get-togethers.Relatives rarely offer us goods or services at discount prices; we do as well shopping around or relying on friends and other contacts.We do not depend on kin to provide our children with summer employment or assistance to meet college tuition and related costs.Still,Americans believe that relatives may be relied on at times of need.
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