

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中秋节的英文简介。。。]The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united...+阅读

《The Sound of Silence》(寂静之声)是影片《毕业生》的插曲,也是经典英文歌曲之一。也是我非常喜欢的。 歌词: Hello darkness, my old friend, 你好,黑暗,我的老友 I've come to talk with you again, 我又来同你谈一谈 Because a vision softly creeping, 因为一种幻觉悄悄来临 Left its seeds while I was sleeping, 趁我入睡时播下了种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 那在我的脑海中生长的幻觉 Still remains within the sound of silence. 仍然滞留在寂静之声中。

In restless dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobblestone, 我孤独地行走在狭窄的人街道上, 'Neath the halo of a street lamp,I turned my collar to the cold and damp 在路灯的光晕下寒冷潮湿,我翻竖衣领。 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 刺痛我眼睛的霓虹灯划破夜晚, That split the night and touched the sound of silence. 触摸到那寂静之声。 And in the naked light 在那无遮蔽的灯光里 I saw ten thousand people, maybe more. 我看见成千上万的人们,也许更多。

People talking without speaking, 人们交谈不用口, People hearing without listening, 人们倾听不用口, People writing songs that voices never share 人们写出歌曲却没有人唱。 And no one dare 没有人敢去 Disturb the sound of silence. 惊动那寂静之声。 Fools, said I, 我说:“你们是傻子, You do not know 你们不知道 Silence like a cancer grows. 寂静犹如癌症一般生长。 Hear my words that I might teach you, 听听我教你们的语言, Take my arms that I might reach you. 握住我伸给你们的手臂。

“ But my words like silent raindrops fell, 但是我的话如同雨滴般无声落下, And echoed in the wells of silence 回荡在寂静的深井里。 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon God they made. 人们朝着他们创造的霓虹灯低头祈祷。 And the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it was forming. 而霓虹灯广告牌却在一闪一闪发出警告: And the signs said, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls “先知者的语言就在地铁站墙上, And tenement halls. 就在贫民的住房中。

” Whisper'd in the sounds of silence. 它还在寂静之声中低语。



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