
关于拯救小兔的英语介绍谢谢我们需要写观后感 thank you

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com


There was once a Block Island, the island has a nest, the nest with rabbits Fest. It is cute flower-flower car see car tire, in addition to one day each year afflicted by terrible day (the day handed out candy at Easter), the rest of the time they can eat, drink sleep. So easily privileged life, naturally Passing the torch, so rabbits are rabbits Sun ancestors for generations carried on the tradition. Year after year, and finally the turn of the Easter bunny EB (Russell Brand voice) succession. With its dedicated father (voice of Hugh Laurie), then, is this: your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather ... ... on the carrying candy all over the world when good-hearted people, do not let you easily inherit the family business rich N on behalf of what, you little bastard in the end, what discontent?! In fact, we seem docile and obedient of the EB on the succession matter abnormalities geocentric reluctantly, not because it's family prominent lazy, but because playing silly from the time when this little guy is just as dry as a single-minded event - adding rock bands! day to drop any man also, and even magical godmother must endure hunger and suffering from hunger in order to write "Harry Potter" we detract from the Easter bunny not afraid of hardship nor tired, how can light shade Jude Mongolia mixed with food to die it? but if you want to mix a band name, was there any place more than a dream land of the United States of America is more suitable? said do your job! place in time for the successor prior to the parent, EB night running away, sneak into the U.S. entertainment capital of Hollywood. 45 degrees look up the mountainside tall HOLLYWOOD sign, EB almost to himself, to see flashed the spotlight scene. Ideal is always full, the reality is often very skinny, this honey jar bubble big wealthy young master, a non-work experience and the lack of livelihood, but also look like harmless to pets and livestock is only a small gray rabbit, but also No wonder it's soon cross the terraced rice paddies could not find North Hollywood. Perhaps Heaven must be a "rabbit" of the road, stepped on dog feces may be out, dragging himself on the luggage in the EB downcast over a road at night, humming a song my car and drove Fred Road (James Marsden) "break" into its life - soon as the brakes, EB blessing to the soul to collapsed to the ground, thought he was scared Fred Chao trouble of six three souls to soul. After the rabbit is how Fudge was unable to help themselves unemployed older men and young Fred guilty conscience, and then assume the task of caring for its daily needs, those are not the focus; focus is to serve only every few days to a small random mischief rabbit, then I am afraid there is not strong enough nerve and heart ... ...这是详细介绍,希望对你有帮助……



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