

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于旅行的英语口语对话?怎么说]A: Would you please rcommend some places for sightseeing? 可以为我们推荐一些参观的地方吗? B: How about the National Yellow Stone Park? It's really worth seeing....+阅读

参考开场白 well, i am your new e.t. e stands for english and t. for teacher by the way my name is XYZ or you can call me Mr/Miss X or just (any friendly name) i know most students are afraid of english. they may not like it because it is so different from Chinese. or they may like it but it is so difficult to master to tell you the truth i am afraid of english too to tell you a secret i also find it difficult but i like it as a language and luckily i have discovered the interesting side of its and therefore i become an e.t. i hope as your teacher i would be able to show you how interesting english as a language could be. and thus you would some day start to learn english on your own with little help from others and also i would let you know although i am your teacher it does mean i know all the answers but i promise i will try my best to help you to learn and to find the answers and together we enjoy the funny side of this language 对中学生来说,大体上这样表达应可 希望可以帮上忙


老师吃饭怎么发短信1、我想请你吃个饭,如有空就过来;如没空,那下次你请。 2、我有一桌美餐,不知有谁与共,消息通知赴宴,切莫负我期盼。 3、不好跟体重秤斤斤计较啦,身体健康最重要,晚上一齐去犒劳下“*...

求一篇英语范文秘书简历YOUR NAME 名字 222 FIRST STREET, CALGARY, T3A-3Y5 地址 PHONE (403) 000-0000 • E-MAIL MEHOME.COM 电话和电邮 OBJECTIVE 个人理想 [ Type Objective Here ] EDUCATION...

英语翻译简历Organize and participate in a variety of mental health training, mental health have a better understanding and greater attention. Strengthened the team spirit a...

个人介绍英语翻译简历用楼主,我帮你分解一下,你组装下就OK了。 本人接受过正规的美术教育,具有较好的美术功底及艺术素养, Good study with major in Art,I'm skillful and keen on art. 在校期间从事...

泽瑜老师个人简历2015泽瑜老师个人简介 泽瑜老师:来自江西,因为内心充满了大爱,希望通过自已的努力让家人和亲戚能过上好日子,为实现梦想曾做过传统生意,通过五年的努力,过上了有房有车的安逸生活...


英语自我介绍八句就行了上课要用的梦想就写成为一名合格的你好,很高兴为您解答。 Introduction: Good morning,everyone!各位,早上好! It's my honor to present myself here..很荣幸在这做自我介绍。 My name is XX.我叫XX。 I'M XX ye...

我暑假做初中的英语老师明天要上课了我想用英文介绍一下自己对付初中生嘛,不要太紧张,你越显得紧张,那群初中生更可能显得紧张不服你。 你应该是女生吧,第一次不用穿的太正式,感觉长裙不错《不要无袖露背的那种》或者你如果有自己的穿衣风...

英语课堂自我介绍Good morning. I would like to spend a minute to introduce myself to you. My name is [xxxx], I came from [where you live] and I am 12 years old. 早上好. 我想用一...
