

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[剑桥商务英语中级考试概况]一、考试要求[/COLOR] BEC考试(Business English Certificates)是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试,它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试...+阅读

这是一种: 各位老师早上好,非常荣幸能参加这次面试,我来自沈阳一中的学生,我叫XXX. Good morning, honourable teachers! I am honoured to be able to attend today's interview. I am a student of ShenYang No.1 School, majoring in aeroengineering. My name is XXX. 在学校期间我曾连续3年担任班级学习委员的职务,同时取得了三好学生,优秀团员等多项荣誉.能够做好自己本分的工作,把老师的工作落实到位,还参加各种组织活动和社会实践,培养了我对人际关系的处理能力. During my school days, I was a committee member of the class learning club for three years. I also won a number of honours at school including the "Three Goods" student award, outstanding group member etc. I can fulfill all my duties which my school teachers asked me to do. I also took part in many organizational and social activities. This help to cultivate my ability to handle personal relationships. 在校四年即将结束,回顾四年的学习生活,感觉收获很多,不仅掌握了专业知识,也培养了自己各方面的能力,我相信这些对今后的工作都产生重要的帮助. As my four year study is coming to an end, I think I have learnt a lot during these years. Apart from learning the professional knowledge, I am also able to improve my ability on various fields. I believe these will be very useful to my employment in future. 我觉得凡事从小事做起,珍惜每一次的机会,用万分的热情,展示自我,挑战自我!希望贵公司,能给我这个机会,相信我的努力工作一定不会辜负各位领导的期望. I think that everything should start from the basic, so I will treasure every opportunity that comes along. I will meet all coming challenges with great passion and firm characterter. I hope that your company will offer me a chance. I am sure that my performance will never fail your expectations 如果不满意 还有 Good morning dear teachers,it's my honor to take this interview. My name is XXX.I am a student of ShenYang No.1 School.I hope teachers can know me further according to my self-introduction. I ever served as commissary in charge of studies at class for successive three years in college.Meanwhile,I got many honors like "Three Goods" student and excellent League member.I did a good job with my own work and make sure works of teachers could be done well.what's more,i had taken part in different kinds of organization activities and society practice.All of these offer me a good platform for my heading into society more quickly,and cultivate my ability of handling human relationships. Four-year time in college draws to a close,to look back four-year study life,I feel I have gained a lot.Not only did I grasp the professtional knowledge but also cultivate different aspects of abilities of myself,I believe these will offer a great help to the work ahead. I think we must start small,cherish every chance,display and challenge myself with the extremely enthusiasm,strength of character and diligent attitude.I wish your company can give me this chance,I believe my hard work will live up to the expectations of the leaders. 这些可以吗? 如果不行再补充一下问题,我就过来改。




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