

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[400高分!我要一份服装QC跟单方向的简历!急!附加200分!]下面这个模版供你参考,在此基础上你可以视自己的情况再做更改 简 历 (来源于) 基 本 信 息 姓 名: #$ 性 别: 男 出生日期: %%年%月%日 居 住 地: %%市 身高: 174cm 户 口: 武汉市汉...+阅读

The new curriculum reform in our country, the situation of teaching can help students acquire effectively obtain knowledge, skills, and successfully learning and life experience, and by using the new concept of justice and develop skills, full of vigor citizens, therefore, attitudes and values to comprehensive situational teaching, improving teaching quality, high ideology and politics teaching is an effective method.The effective use of situational teaching should pay attention to the learning environment, the creation, book knowledge, promoting students' life in the context of situation; constructing knowledge, Even with "problem situation" stimulate students' desire to explore, trigger probe activities and improve students' independent analysis problem, problem-solving ability, To learn more knowledge, through the service will be applied to real life situations, and improve students' ability to apply the value of knowledge, understanding, and cultivate the sense of learning, And situational teaching evaluation process, seek and requirements concerned teaching goal, content and learning evaluation method of matching, people-oriented, promote the development of students.Situational teaching situation requires teachers to correctly handle the relationship between teaching and traditional teaching evaluation, evaluation and examination of the context, so as to realize the normality of the situational teaching.搞得累死了,记得加分哦!^_^


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