[污水处理厂生产实习报告]一、前言 众所周知,生产实习是学生大学学习很重要的实践环节,实习是每一个大学毕业生必的必修课,它不仅让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,还使我们开阔了视野、增长...+阅读
Uses the biology catalytic oxidation craft to the 22m3/d hospital waste water to carry on processing, through the waste water catalytic oxidation response, in the use water microorganism's metabolism function, degrades in the water the organic pollutant, achieves the purification water quality, the elimination pollution goal. This sewage treatment project main use “septic tank + grill + integration equipment + micro flocculation” processing craft. The Laixi public health center medical service waste water enters the septic tank processing unit precipitation to get down, the water leakage flows automatically after the grill pond enters in the integrated equipment aeration adjustment unit to realize the water quality, the water volume complete equalization. The regulating reservoir water leakage enters the oxygen unit, through the biological degeneration function, enable the organic pollutant to obtain the thorough degeneration, the good oxygen unit enters the water to enter the precipitation unit, the precipitation unit water leakage flows automatically enters the middle basin; In the middle basin by the pump promotion to the micro flocculation unit, in the water before the residual soluble organic matter and the filtration throws the coagulant response production suspended solid which adds through the filtration pot filtration, the micro flocculation filtration water leakage enters the disinfection area, achieves the sterilization goal in the disinfection area using the chlorine dioxide strong oxidability. After the disinfection antiseptic after water leakage then achieved "Hospital Dyes Emissions Standard" (DB37/596-2006) level emissions standard, finally attains a designated standard the emissions
污水处理厂顶岗实习周记实习对于每位走向自己事业的人来说都是至关重要的。下面搜集了污水处理厂顶岗实习周记,以供赏析和参考借鉴! 污水处理厂顶岗实习周记1 20XX年X月X日一X月X日,我们来到二郎庙污...
环境工程小议影响城市污水处理系统的因素论文摘要:本文分析和论述了影响城市污水处理系统的几个主要因素,着重对曝气技术在城市污水处理工艺的主导地位和技术应用进行阐述。 水是我们人类所共有的、有限的资源。大气...
介绍几种河道污水处理的方法河道水一般出了黑臭水体不做污水解读,我在这方面懂得不多,简单列举一些自己知道的技术方法。1 底泥疏浚,这种方法应对内源污染导致的河湖水体黑臭比较有效,举例来说,一些河道长期...
求污水处理教学用ppt主要介绍污水处理的方法污水处理方法代码简表 1000 物理处理法 1100 过滤 1200 离心 1300 沉淀分离 1400 上浮分离 1500 其它 2000 化学处理法 2100 化学混凝法 2110 化学混凝沉淀法 2120 化学混凝...
毕业设计:基于单片机的污水处理系统模糊控制器的设计希望高手帮基于单片机的污水处理系统模糊控制器的设计 【摘要】:为了获得安全可靠、高效经济的污水处理监控系统,可以利用单片机作为整个监控系统的下位机,通过RS485串口通信协约实现与中...