

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[除了鱼其他水生动物介绍]水生动物 (aquatic animal ),在水中生活的动物。大多数是在物种进化中未曾脱离水中生活的一级水生动物,但是也包括像鲸鱼和水生昆虫之类由陆生动物转化成的二级水生生物,后者有的...+阅读

I have a dog.She is not only my pet,but also my friend. She is very lovely with a beautiful face.When I feed her, ahe always wags her tail to me.Besides, she can understand me very well.When I'm happy, She feels happy too. But When I'm unhappy, She seems to be sad.When I'm in trouble, she always helpsme. We are friendly to each other.



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一篇介绍动物的英语作文 80100字A categories in nature, and biological plant relative. Many organic compounds for foodstuff, neural, feel, can exercise. Zhouli, in situ, the big five "cause the...


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