

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急!大师请给我提供一份师范类英语本科毕业生的实习鉴定吧]自我鉴定一般包括以下五个方面的内容: 1.思想政治方面。主要指对党在新时期的路线、方针、 政策的认识和态度;在各项社会政治活动中自己的思相,认识和表现等。 2.道德风尚方面...+阅读

慢慢看吧 西班牙:Spanish Cuisine:The Spanish have never acquired the international reputation for haute cuisine enjoyed by their French neighbours. And millions of foreign tourists who flock to Spain's costas each summer find their menu options at best limited and at worst swimming in garlic! In fact many overseas visitors never sample a taste of the “real Spain” because the most popular coastal areas have been saturated with fast food joints and international restaurants. To savour the truly wonderful world of Spanish food it's essential to venture beyond the seaside tourist traps and follow the example of the Spaniards. Food is far more than a way of keeping body and soul together in Spain – it's an entire experience and the focal point of the Spanish way of life. Influences on Spanish Food Spanish food reflects this vast country's turbulent history, diverse geography and Mediterranean culture. Centuries of occupation by the Moors, who were the first to cultivate olives and oranges in Spain, made a huge impact on the Spanish diet as did decades of extreme poverty suffered by millions under Franco's repressive regime. You can taste the Moorish influence in the huge variety of Spanish dishes flavoured with cumin, saffron and other exotic spices. The sumptuous soups and stews which you'll find all over Spain today were the staple diet of peasant communities, surviving on home grown vegetables and meat bones stewed for hours to eke out very ounce of flavour (just like grandma used to make!) Paella - the most famous Spanish food It was the poor peasant people of the Valencian region who invented Spain's most famous dish, paella. The original recipe combined home grown veg (usually green and broad beans) with off cuts of rabbit and the short grain rice mass produced


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