[教练主要先进事迹介绍优秀篇]今天小编为大家准备了教练主要先进事迹介绍优秀篇,希望能满足大家的阅读需求,更多精彩敬请关注。 李xx、男、xx年出生时,驾龄x年,从教x年,经验丰富。态度和蔼,教学方法多样,该同志...+阅读
以下是他在游泳e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa631333335343939协会的个人档案:Denis Cotterell, a graduate in Physcial Education and a top-level coach in the Australian coach accreditation program, is one of a new breed of coaches who has studied both professionally and by association with top coaches throughout the world.Denis began his coaching career in 1967 as a junior coach with the late Gordon Petersen at the famous Valley pool in Brisbane. Shortly after that time, Shane Gould came to Petersen when her father was transferred to Queensland as an airline executive. Coach Petersen had many national champions and the young Cotterell was exposed to top coaching and world class athletes at an early age.Cotterell is the coach with the film-star looks. He was mistaken for Paul Hogan, the Australian actor of "Crocodile Dundee" fame, when he travelled to Canada with a national junior team. His bronzed looks and blond hair are typical of those who lead the active life on Queensland's Gold Coast, where he is also a member and coach of the Surfers Paradise Life Saving Club. Many of his athletes swim for both the Miami Swim Club and a Surf Club.Most of all, Denis says that he has gained a great deal of his knowledge from other Australian team coaches while he was a member of national teams. Denis makes special mention of the role Gennadi Touretski has played since his arrival in Australia in furthering Cotterell's knowledge of the sport. Since 1987 he has been chosen for 12 national teams for major international meets:Pan Pacs-1987, 1989, 1993, 1997 Commonwealths-1990, 1994, 1998 World Championships-1991, 1994, 1998 Olympic Games-1988Ten swimmers have been selected from his Miami Club to Australian teams for major international championships. The most notable of these have been: the current world champion Grant Hackett; Andrew Baildon, former Commonwealth sprint freestyle record holder; World Championship and Olympic Games medallist Daniel Kowalski and Olympic backstroker Joanne Meehan. Another backstroker, 15-year-old Giaan Rooney, has been selected on this years' Commonwealth Games team. This all round coach has also placed butterflyer Jon Sieben, backstroker Toby Haenen, and breaststroker Brett Stocks on national teams in comebacks to top swimming.如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)
2016年10月教练辞职报告敬爱的馆长: 我是瑜伽教练xxx,在健身馆工作三年,现申请辞职,这份辞职报告同样也有一份交给人力资源部。近来由于馆内来学瑜伽的人较少,奖金也少,自我感觉呆不下去了,故申请辞职。...
关于游泳的知识大家能不能对游泳这个运动进行全方位的介绍比如它游泳能磨炼人的意志,而且也是锻炼身体好方法,但游泳也有很多需要注意的地方。 游泳具体的好处如下: 1、抵御寒冷、适应温度变化。在冷水刺激下的体表毛细血管收缩,和运动时皮肤...
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求法国队下位主教练布兰科的简介洛朗·布兰科(Laurent Blanc,1965年11月19日),是一名法国足球队员,司职后卫,乃1998年世界杯冠军法国队成员,并为国家队赢得2000年欧洲国家杯,现时为法甲俱乐部波尔多主教练,南非世界...