

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[ACCESS数据库个人简历模板]专业技能范文: 精通C#语言和语法规范、精通ASP.NET编程,了解多线程开发,精通B/S结构的WEB应用程序开发,有良好的编程习惯,结构清晰,命名规范; 熟练掌握 .NET的多层架构、工厂模式,能...+阅读


The revised post-secondary education of professional e-commerce

Graduated from Xuzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College

National e-commerce expertise to obtain the qualification certificate of an Assistant Engineer

Adopted a national English proficiency exam in English 3, in the English language has a good listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

Computer proficiency through an examination of the national computer, able to skillfully operate office software systems, including WORD, EXCEL, PPT, etc.

Professional courses, "E-Commerce Website," "Introduction to E-Commerce", "E-commerce and enterprise logistics" "E-commerce law and security", "computer network technology" "SQL database infrastructure," "management information system", "Public Relations" "management and operating practices study "the" economic law "" marketing "" International Trade Affairs, "" Business English Correspondence, "" Accounting ", etc.

I think I have a truth-seeking and truth-seeking heart, hope to create and to strive to achieve self-worth, so my life is full of vitality, so that their overall quality has been continually improved.

In practice during the summer of 2008, in Hong Ling Road, after the garment factory for inspection and packing rationing.

During the summer in 2009, did file organize, planning of activities assistant.

Individual capacity from September 2007 to July 2008 to participate in the Department of the Ministry of Billiton wild Journalists Association

In 2008, from 10 to 2009 served as Chief of

Third-class scholarship in 2008 to obtain school

Job intention to want to engage in e-commerce-related functions, be able to receive relevant practical training, so that their better perform its functions for the company


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