

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[个人简历翻译!]2009/09-2010/12: zhuhai tong yu logistics co., LTD. | | warehouse/logistics warehousing department director In logistics/warehousing | | scale state-owned enter...+阅读

主要职责: Key Responsibilities:

1、完成每月的帐务处理及相关费用的审核; 包括预提费用、待摊费用、工资、福利费、各项收入、应收账款等相关账务处理 To complete monthly account preparation and verification of relevant expenses inclusive of accrual of expenses, amortization of expenses, wages, welfare expenses, various collections, account receivables etc

2、费用明细表及各部门费用比较分析,本月与上月,对重大费用的性质解释; Detail expenses listing and analysis of comparative departmental expenses for previous and current month,justification for big amount expenses。

3、协助财务经理完成月报体系; 包括现金流量表、应收账款周转率、应收账款账龄分析、固定资产折旧分析、应付账款账龄分析、管理费用分析、营业费用分析及财务费用分析 Assist Finance Manager to complete monthly report inclusive of cash flow statement, collection period for account receivables, analysis of ageing account receivables, analysis of fixed assets depreciation, analysis of ageing account payable, analysis of Management and Administration expenses, analysis of sales and distribution expenses and analysis of Finance expenses。

4、对出纳凭证的审核、工作的安排 Verification of cahier ledger and management of cashier jobs。

5、银行存款余额调节表; Reconcilation of bank statements。

6、统计局、财政局网上报表系统; To complete the internet reporting systems for statistic and finance bureau。

7、国、地税务局报税、税务报表、税票等; Tax reporting for national and local tax authorities, tax listing, tax voucher etc。

8、外地项目预算审核; Budgeting of non-local project。 。


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