[求人帮忙写毕业论文3000字]你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框...+阅读
AbstractAlong with the global information development, the enterprise information construction also catches up with the time the step .The human resources management system management system essential target is supports the enterprise the personnel management and business processes services labor intensity, the auxiliary business management, assists the high-level leadership decision-making, enhances the enterprise the working efficiency, thus enables the enterprise to obtain the better social efficiency and the economic efficiency by the few investments, looks like the human affairs system, the checking attendance management system management system and so on belongs to the human resources management system management system category .It is the unit realizes the modernization foundation engineering, is enhances the unit the management level, the service operating efficiency and the grade of service essential method .How therefore many programmers all possibly do face develop a set of quite perfect human resources management system management system the question.Along with the computer technology rapid development, the computer in the business management the application popularization, uses the computer realization enterprise human affairs wages imperative the management .This system union company actual human affairs, the financial system, pass through the actual demand analysis, uses function formidable Visual Basic6.0 makes the human resources management system management system which develops for the development kit.The overall system from conforms to the operation easily, the contact surface friendly, nimble, practical, the safe request embarks, completes the human affairs, the human resources management entire process, joined including recently the staff when the dossier establishment, the staff exited, the position and so on the change cause staff personnel management work and so on information revision, staff information inquiry, statistics as well as recently staff human resources supervisory work and so on wages addition, information revision .After the actual use proof, the human affairs human resources management system management system which this article designs may satisfy the company human affairs, the human resources management aspect need.The paper mainly introduced this topic development background, must complete function and development process .Key explanation system design key point, design concept, difficult technology and solutionKey Words: DataBase , Visual Basic 6.0, HumanResource Management System目录摘要 2Abstract 3第一章 绪论 51.1 课题来源 51.2 开发工具的选择 6第二章 系统概述 102.1 编写目的 102.2 系统功能概述 112.3 Access 概述 12第三章 系统分析 133.1. 系统需求分析 133.1.1. 功能需求 133.1.2. 数据需求 143.1.3. 运行环境 143.2. 数据流程分析 153.2.1. 数据流程图 153.2.2. 数据E-R图 163.3. 系统功能模块分析 173.4. 用户需求分析 18第四章 系统设计 194.1. 软件模块结构设计 194.2. 数据库设计 21第五章 系统实现 255.1. 系统用户管理模块 255.2. 基础数据维护模块 285.3. 员工档案管理模块 295.4. 绩效考勤管理模块 335.5. 工资管理模块 375.6. 权限管理模块 425.7. 统计分析模块 485.8. 打印功能 49总结 51致 谢 52参考文献(仅供参考) 53 51ebysj com
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