

02月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[推荐一些优美的英语短文或诗歌]Defeat 失败 Defeat,my defeat,my solitude and my aloofness;you are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs,and sweeter to my heart than all world glory. 失败,我的失...+阅读

Maria's Family

Look at the photo on the wall, it's Maria's family photo. The girl in red is Maria, she is a schoolgirl in No. Five Junior High School. Her parents are standing on her right. Her father is a teacher of her school. Her mother works in a hospital, she is a nurse. Her uncle and aunt are standing on her left. Her uncle is a farmer and he works on a farm. Her aunt works in an office and she is an office worker.

Every evening they have a dinner together. They eat fish, vegetables, eggs and hamburgers and they drink milk, apple juice or orange juice.

What a happy family Maria has!


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