
求海明威的英文介绍 200词左右

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


•米勒尔• Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway l899 ~ 1961) American novelist. 1954 year's Nobel laureates in literature, "news" in the novel's co-founder.Life and Creation. Hemingway as a "lost generation" representatives. Novel "The Sun Also Rises" for the "Lost Generation" reflected. Anti-war novel "A Farewell to Arms." 30 era of political enthusiasm. Creation of the Spanish theme. Novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls," the ideological content. Novella "Old Man and the Sea," the ideological significance. Novels "硬汉子" spirit. Symbolism in the novel. Hemingway's old age. His writing style can be used the tip of a general principle. "A Farewell to Arms." Story outline. The theme of the novel ideas. Henry's image. Catherine's image. Other characters. Imperialist wars of the criticism and affirmation of personal happiness. Bourgeois ideology of the traditional norms and moral values of the criticism. The Art of the characteristics of the novel. Hemingway's creative and artistic characteristics of synthesis methods. Hemingway's "iceberg principle." Hemingway in Europe and America's position in the history of modern literature.中文 : 欧内斯特•米勒尔•海明威(Ernest Hemingway l899~1961)美国小说家。

1954年度的诺贝尔文学奖获得者、“新闻体”小说的创始人。 生平与创作。海明威作为“迷惘的一代”的代表。小说《太阳照样升起》对“迷惘的一代”的反映。反战小说《永别了,武器》。30年代的政治积极性。创作中的西班牙题材。小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》的思想内容。中篇小说《老人与海》的思想意义。小说中的“硬汉子”精神。小说的象征手法。

海明威的晚年。他的创作风格可用冰山原理概括。 《永别了,武器》。故事梗概。小说的主题思想。亨利的形象。凯瑟琳的形象。其他人物形象。对帝国主义战争的批判和对个人幸福的肯定。对资产阶级传统思想准则和道德观念的批判。小说的艺术特点。 海明威创作特点和艺术手法综述。海明威的“冰山原则”。海明威在欧美现代文学史上的地位。


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